Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 98

Ye Suijin's nephew's wedding was over, and Fourth Uncle Ye's family moved to Bingyang City in Tang Prefecture.

But Ye Suijin did not return to Bingyang immediately. She took the men to Tangbei Fort instead.

Tangbei Fort had already been heightened and rebuilt, with an earthen rampart added. Now it had been transformed from a civilian stronghold into a proper military fort, serving as Ye Suijin's garrison in Tang Prefecture.

When the group arrived at Tangbei Fort, the setting sun was already slanting westward. They caught sight of a herd of horses being herded back into their enclosure under the guidance of the horseherders.

In the golden light, the horses were vigorous, galloping like dragons.

There were several hundred of them, all warhorses.

Fourth Uncle Ye exclaimed, "Good gracious me!"

Ye Fifth Uncle snorted, "Serves you right for keeping me pinned down in Bingyang."

Ye Fifth Uncle said, "Five hundred warhorses, plus ten horse grooms thrown in. General Guan said this concludes our one-time transaction."

The Dingnan Jun Li family had also submitted a memorial declaring allegiance to Emperor Jin.

Emperor Jin had already accepted it. The first thing he did was to gain control over Western Liang's warhorses.

The situation in Jin now looked very positive.

It took a great deal of effort for General Guan to secretly transport these five hundred horses to Tang Prefecture.

General Guan said to Ye Fifth Uncle, "If she had delayed me even a little, or I had moved slower, I probably wouldn't have succeeded."

It was a very close shave.

General Guan said, "She sure is lucky."

He didn't know Ye Suijin didn't rely on luck. Ye Suijin had actively seized the time.

He had also gifted ten horse grooms to Ye Suijin for free.

Ye Fifth Uncle called the horse grooms over to pay their respects to Ye Suijin.

Their hairstyles were different from those of the Central Plains people. Some were Xianbei people, some were of other tribes. They jabbered away in languages no one else understood.

Fortunately, they all knew some rudimentary Han Chinese.

While the men romped about trying to ride the horses like children, Ye Suijin spoke with the horse grooms instead.

The horse grooms already knew she was their highest-ranking master. They answered her questions deferentially.

Ye Suijin asked many questions, all concerning the breeding and training of horses.

The most fluent Han-speaker told Ye Suijin, "There are six stud horses. That will be enough. As long as there is sufficient fodder, I can breed a batch of new foals for my master in five or six years. Give me ten years, and my master will be able to possess a valiant cavalry."

The valor of Western Liang warhorses was famed throughout the land.

Just imagining it made Ye Suijin's entire body burn with excitement.

"These horses are very important to me," she told the horse grooms. "You will keep the horses well and breed more. I can free you from slavery. I will grant you land, housing, and wives, and make you into respectable people."

The horse grooms believed her.

Because after arriving here, they got to eat their fill and wear clean clothes. This was the best life they had ever had since birth.

They prostrated themselves devoutly and fervently on the ground, "Master, please give us time!"

Horses had to be trained, and so did people.

Cavalry were elite among elites, and had to be handpicked.

This was yet another huge undertaking.

Even if there were only these horses for now, there had to be more candidates for cavalry to train. They had to be prepared and ready for when the new horses were born and matured.

A horse could join the battlefield when it reached three or four years old - very soon.

Ye Suijin was in an excellent mood.

Although the world was in turmoil now, and she only controlled two and a half prefectures, truly, in her last few decades across both lifetimes, she had never felt so elated.

On the way back to Bingyang, the Ye family clearly sensed Deng Prefecture and Tang Prefecture were even more prosperous and bustling than when they had left.

Caravans could be seen traveling along the official roads.

Because this place was peaceful, the common folk had food to eat and work to do, money to earn, so demands arose. Regions with stable governance also provided traders safe environments to conduct business.

Once businessmen became active, goods began to circulate.

Well-governed regions became prosperous.

Back at the Governor Residence, there was another round of all kinds of reports.

Among them was Jiang Yinyu. He was no longer a businessman now, but had an official post on the staff of the Governor Residence. When the people from Ruixun Company in Bingyang saw him now, they were very polite.

He queued in the side room, waiting for his turn to go into the main room and give his report. After he finished reporting, he did not leave immediately.

Ye Suijin asked, "Anything else?"

Jiang Yinyu deliberated for a moment.

Ye Suijin said, "Speak frankly."

Jiang Yinyu smiled and said, "It's nothing much, just a funny misunderstanding."

He claimed it was "funny", but Ye Suijin sensed no amusement in his eyes.

Ye Suijin raised her brows.

What could be so funny?

It turned out a certain business firm got acquainted with someone surnamed Ye. During a meal, this person had suggested he wished to buy shares.

"Oh," Ye Suijin asked, "Then what happened?"

Jiang Yinyu could not discern any anger or joy from Ye Suijin's voice at all. This made him feel somewhat apprehensive, but the business community had discussed this matter and appointed him to convey their stance to Ye Suijin. He carried their mission.

He could only continue, "Old Feng said buying shares was not for him to decide. It required the agreement of the firm's two biggest shareholders."

That Ye person naturally asked who the two biggest shareholders were.

One was naturally the firm's original owner. The other was... Governor Ye Suijin.

So that person gave an embarrassed laugh and explained, "I was joking, just joking after drinking."

And the matter was dropped.

Because Bingyang was established as Ye Suijin's seat of power, becoming the center of authority. Thus, many people of the Ye clan also relocated there to accompany her.

That person was not from the main line, but was still on the same clan registry as Ye Suijin. Relying on his Ye surname, he had also found a lowly official post in Bingyang.

There were quite a few such Ye clansmen seeking bottom rung positions. As family head, promoting clansmen was Ye Suijin's responsibility.

After Jiang Yinyu emerged from Ye Suijin's room, he went straight to the guild hall - everyone in the business community knew he could see Ye Suijin today, so they were all waiting for his reply!

Seeing him return, they all asked, "How was it? Were you able to inform the Governor?"

Although this matter was dropped, the experienced businessmen knew that if left alone, there would be more such cases in future.

What made Bingyang better than other places was, they had one of their own by the noble's side.

Yes, Jiang Yinyu.

He was just a shop manager, yet now he actually held an official post. How envious!

Since there was access, how could the businessmen give up this advantage?

Moreover, Ye Suijin was a woman herself. For a woman to control three prefectures was already extraordinary. This extraordinary woman was willing to appoint Jiang Yinyu. Adding to their previous cooperative experiences, the businessmen had expectations of her.

Therefore, they decided to deliver this matter to Ye Suijin through Jiang Yinyu.

Jiang Yinyu said, "I've already informed the Governor about it."

Everyone asked anxiously, "What was the Governor's attitude?"

Ye Suijin's attitude was crucial.

They hoped she would be angry, the angrier the better.

It would be best if she was thunderously furious.

But Jiang Yinyu said, "...I couldn't tell."

Everyone was shocked.

Jiang Yinyu said helplessly, "It's true, I really couldn't tell."

They looked at each other in dismay.

Because Jiang Yinyu was previously the head manager of Ruixun Company's Nanyang branch, being able to reach this position meant he was capable.

His abilities were strong enough that he could be noticed by Ye Suijin, and transformed into the Governor's man, favored and trusted.

Being able to discern expressions and read between the lines could be said to be the most basic of his many outstanding talents.

"Is she really...fifteen?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"Don't speak nonsense," someone who knew clearer said, "She should be eleven this year."

Gasps all around.

If it was some official in his forties or fifties, they wouldn't find it shocking for Jiang Yinyu to say he couldn't discern the attitude.

But Ye Suijin was only eleven. So young.

The group, all shrewd people, were also astounded.

Jiang Yinyu said, "Although I couldn't discern the Governor's attitude, after I left, a clerk came out and summoned people, ordering the guards to fetch Yuan Ling."

Yuan Ling was originally the magistrate of Ciqiu County. In recent years, he had barely maintained Ciqiu's civil administration. When Ye Suijin swept through, he felt Ye Suijin was reliable, so he opened the city gates to welcome her.

Ye Suijin also appreciated him, and after taking Bingyang City, when counties were established under the city, she transferred him over to serve as the magistrate of Bingyang.

The livelihood and prisons of Bingyang City were Yuan Ling's responsibility.

Only the security within the city was split off, with the Patrol Commander and the Military Guard Division specifically in charge.

Everyone was puzzled.

Jiang Yinyu explained, "Yuan Ling saw the Governor before me."

After Yuan Ling finished his report, he had already left. There were others in between, then it was Jiang Yinyu's turn.

But as soon as Jiang Yinyu came out, Ye the military governor immediately sent someone to call Yuan Ling back, indicating that there was a connection between the two things.

Everyone said, "Let's see."

Yuan Ling had already left, but was summoned back again.

But the county yamen in Biyang City was just around the corner, separated only by one street. That is to say, there was no need to ride a horse. He just came back, holding up his robe.

This was the first time Ye Suijin saw Yuan Ling. She said, "There is something that no one except Yuan Ling can do."

She looked solemn, and she suddenly summoned him back again, so it must not be a trivial matter.

Yuan Ling bowed and said, "Please tell me, sir."

Ye Suijin told him what Jiang Yinyu had said.

After listening, Yuan Ling nodded and asked, "So does sir want me to...?"

"Go investigate all the people surnamed Ye and their in-laws in Deng and Tang prefectures for me," Ye Suijin said. "See if there are any who have committed adultery or crimes, or bullied others relying on the Ye family name."

"I will give you manpower. You just need to investigate."

"For those who have committed crimes, hand them over to the local authorities. Tell them this is my intention."

"For those who rely on power to oppress people, report them to me and I will deal with it."

Yuan Ling looked at Ye Suijin, then cupped his fist and accepted the order: "Yes."

Ye Suijin smiled and said, "What do you think my intention is?"

Yuan Ling had worked with her for a while and had built up confidence in this superior. What's more, Ye Suijin had shown him a great kindness.

So he spoke frankly about his feelings just now: "Although sir is young, she is not irritable or angry, and has deeply attained the art of nourishing energy."

For literati who nourish energy, the key is to keep the seven emotions off their face, and remain unmoved even if Mount Tai collapses in front of them, so that no one can see their joy or anger.

One couldn't attain this without reaching a certain age.

Ye Suijin lent Yuan Ling a soldier named Yi Bao, and also gave him a squad of personal guards.

Because Yi Bao had distinguished himself at the river mouth, he now held the position of deputy company commander of the escort troops. He had also been freed, and was now a commoner.

This made Ling Qiusheng envious and jealous enough to bite his sleeve.

Of course, occasionally a doubt would flash through his mind — what exactly was the purpose of the task Ye Suijin had given them back then?

It certainly wasn't about Zhao Lang, no, it certainly wasn't about Zhao Jingwen finding a new lover.

That incident was just a random occurrence that held no foreseeability.

Qiu Sheng regretted it in particular, because Yi Bao had earned merit based on that random incident.

If the event that Ye Suijin was "truly" guarding against had happened, that would have been so great. Then he could have earned merit too.

He wouldn't have had to watch Yi Bao get promoted and Duan Jin make great strides, while he himself could only bite his sleeve every day.


After Yuan Ling left, Duan Jin said, "Why didn't sir get angry at all?"

Ye Suijin said, "What is there to get angry about? They are all mortals of flesh and blood. Sudden wealth and honor brings out all kinds of ugliness — this is simply an unchanging principle."

In the grand capital, she had long become numb to the various unsavory things stirred up by upstarts and their relatives and friends.

Even some of the Ye family members who stayed in the capital caused all kinds of trouble at the time.

Whenever something happened, she was not free to act in the palace, so it was Eleventh Aunt who would go kick down doors and beat people up.

After getting angry too many times, one just doesn't get angry anymore.

In the end, she realized clearly that it was just human nature.

At the beginning of life, whether human nature is inherently good or evil has been endlessly debated until people's faces turn red, yet no conclusion has been reached.

But Ye Suijin knew that there is no one in the world who is pure and flawless. As long as external conditions develop to a certain point, and the temptation is strong enough, even the whitest and cleanest person, when squeezed, can ooze out some evil pus to a greater or lesser degree.

It's not worth getting angry over this.

In short, the stick is here, and so is the knife.

Whoever bumps into the stick or the knife has only themselves to blame for stubbornly getting close, and others can't stop them!