Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 9

Yejiabao was the local tyrant of Dengzhou, but was not the master of Dengzhou.

To tell the truth, Yejiabao was actually a bit lucky.

Dengzhou used to have a military governor as well, who commanded Xuanhua troops at the end of the Wei Dynasty, and the military and politics of Dengzhou, Suizhou, Fuzhou, Yingzhou and Dengzhou were all under his control.

His office was in Dengzhou, so he was the master of Dengzhou.

When he was there, Yejiabao was at most just a local despot.

It had land, private troops, and strongholds.

Ordinary people would bow their heads and be afraid when seeing them, but the military governor was not afraid.

When there was no conflict of interest, the military governor would give Yejiabao some face. Once there was a conflict of interest, the military governor could also wipe out Yejiabao.

So when Xuanhua troops were still there, Yejiabao was far from having the arrogance in Dengzhou like nowadays.

Fortunately, he died, and his son inherited the position of Xuanhua military governor and took over the Xuanhua troops.

In theory, the military governor was an official appointed by the imperial court, and when a military governor died, the imperial court should appoint a new military governor.

But the imperial court had long lost the ability to restrain these self-important military governors.

The military governors regarded the territories they governed on behalf of the imperial court as their own private properties, and the imperial troops as their private armies. When a military governor died, his son would naturally inherit his position.

The imperial court was helpless and could only issue an appointment letter with nose clipped, keeping up appearances on both sides.

But the new military governor did not have his father's composure. He was young and ambitious. At that time, the last emperor of Wei was forced to abdicate, and the regime changed.

It was chaotic, and many people wanted a share.

The new military governor was young and overconfident. He took the Xuanhua troops to the capital to get a big share, no, to support the new emperor.

He died in the capital region, and the remnants of Xuanhua troops stranded in the capital region were merged by other forces and never returned.

At that time, the capital region and the north were constantly at war during the pseudo-Liang Dynasty.

The unrest never stopped throughout that period.

For a while, there appeared a power vacuum in these states including Dengzhou. The pseudo-Liang court was still overwhelmed, let alone these places.

The civilians fled south, the garrison troops deserted, and the loose soldiers roamed around. Various disorders began in Dengzhou.

The county magistrates of Dengzhou's three counties of Ran, Nanyang and Neixiang were helpless and begged local powers to step in.

Those families who could not discern the trend of the times only wanted to protect themselves. At this time, Yejiabao stood up and with just one stronghold, protected the peace of Dengzhou.

Of course, these years were also a period of rapid growth for Yejiabao. It stood out among other families and became the biggest influence in Dengzhou.

But "having influence" did not mean it was the master of Dengzhou.

Now the three counties still had incumbent county magistrates, none had resigned and returned home. The reason was that the three were northerners. Going home was not necessarily safer than staying in Dengzhou. With the imperial court in great turmoil, there was no evaluation system for local officials. So everyone stayed in office in a seemingly legitimate but actually illegitimate manner.

At first glance, people's livelihood and government affairs were still running smoothly, looking as if the imperial court was still there.

Indeed there was now a regime called Great Jin, but starting from Great Liang, Dengzhou and surrounding states in the southern edge of Hebei Province had boldly stopped paying taxes to the imperial court.

If the court sent someone to collect, they would pay.

But since the court had never sent anyone to collect, things just went on like this.

The three counties were under Yejiabao's protection, and would make a certain "donation" every year. They would also consult with Yejiabao on issues. This had always been something the Ye family felt honorable about.

Now Ye Suijin had reincarnated and came back. Looking at everyone, they really smelled like country bumpkins from head to toe, exuding a petty aura.

There was no way. At this time, everyone was still a country bumpkin indeed, and had not seen the world or broadened their horizons yet.

In this life, she would take them to broaden their horizons and lead them to peace all the way!

Zhao Jingwen brought over a bowl: "Missus, mealtime."

Ye Suijin sat on a horse blanket and took the bowl to eat.

Third Son, Fifth Son, Seventh Son, Tenth Son and Zhao Jingwen all sat around her on their own horse blankets, each holding a bowl with a stern face.

Ye Suijin said, "Eat first, talk after the meal."

The young masters all kept their heads down to eat voraciously, and no one spoke, strangely silent.

Although there were villages along the way, Ye Suijin did not take them to stay overnight, insisting they camp outdoors to temper everyone. Zhao Jingwen's mouth twitched slightly, but he held it in and lowered his head to eat too.

These young Ye masters might be more skilled in martial arts than him, but had not endured the hardships nor experienced the things he had.

They usually looked heroic and promising, like young elites and heroes, but you could only see their true abilities when faced with real challenges.

Zhao Jingwen was still immersed in the feeling he had in the council hall a few days ago.

Ye Suijin, his wife. How could she say something so shocking like "taking Dengzhou" in such an understated tone?

At that moment, looking at her profile, he felt she was glowing. He even unconsciously held his breath, with only his heart thumping.

He couldn't take his eyes off her!

But today, she gave him an even bigger shock.

She rode wildly, and he tried very hard to chase her but couldn't catch up.

The arc she sliced out with her sword drew a rainbow in the dust and sunlight.

Blood mist shot up halfway to the sky, but she had already passed through it to continue the pursuit.

Zhao Jingwen saw every move of hers was done in one go, without needing to think or hesitate.

So why was Ye Suijin the Chief instead of Fourth Ye?

Dare he ask if Fourth Ye had this kind of guts! He still always wanted to compete with his wife.

Duan Jin sat on the ground eating steamed buns with the soldiers! His cheeks bulged as he chewed hard!

He was angry with himself.

He was actually inferior to that Zhao guy! He really wanted to punch himself a few times out of anger.

Duan Jin had actually hesitated for just a moment.

After Ye Suijin beheaded the first man, she just captured the rest alive.

Tied them up and interrogated on site. They were just a mob, without backbone. yielded everything when asked.

Several masterminds were brought out.

At that time Duan Jin was standing by her side.

Because he held her horse for her and waited on her, he often stood by her side.

And Zhao Jingwen stood on her other side.

"Behead them."

Duan Jin was certain that the order was given to him. Because when she gave the order, her face turned slightly towards him.

In fact, before setting off, he had already mentally prepared himself to see bloodshed this time.

But human nature dictated that his first reaction was still to hesitate for a moment.

Only for a second, in the next second, he had already drawn his sword!


Zhao Jingwen!

He didn't even hesitate for a moment. The moment my lady gave the order, he had already drawn his sword and beheaded a man with one stroke.

Ahhhhhhhh so angry!

At that moment Duan Jin regretted his hesitation.

He did not hesitate again, and immediately beheaded another man after him. He beheaded two men in one breath. Until Ye Suijin stopped him, "Duan Jin, let Third Son do it."

He did lose to Zhao Jingwen, but the young masters were still no match for him.

They were also seeing such scenes for the first time. It was already not bad that they could behead people smoothly. Seeing Tenth Son's situation, with the half-severed neck, they didn't know whether the man was dead or alive. Anyway they were stunned and didn't think of going over to help.

Zhao Jingwen also didn't seem to have the intention to help, not knowing if he was shocked silly or what.

At this time, Ye Suijin called, "Duan Jin."

Having hesitated last time due to inexperience, this time Duan Jin did not hesitate again. He immediately went over, stepped on the man's shoulder, and said to Tenth Son, "Hold still, don't move."

Tenth Son gripped the hilt tightly, not daring to move at all.

With one stroke from Duan Jin, the half-severed neck was completely severed.

Tenth Son finally pulled out his sword. Tenth Son almost cried.

Among the corpses, the cut on that one's neck was the messiest.

Duan Jin had salvaged some face, but remembering that Zhao Jingwen got to make the first cut, he was still angry.

He took a bite of the steamed bun and glanced over.

That Zhao guy was sitting right next to my lady, sitting so close.

The young masters were all silent.

Ye Suijin looked around at them, and they all lowered their heads.

Ye Suijin picked up the bowl and took a sip of soup, then retracted her gaze.

There were low chatters among the soldiers. But this circle around Ye Suijin was silently eating.

While eating, Tenth Son unconsciously glanced down at the meat in the steamed bun. Not knowing what he recalled, he suddenly retched.

Seventh Son didn't say anything, just patted his back.

Third Son and Ninth Son ate big mouthfuls of steamed buns and meat, absolutely not looking down again.

Everyone had unease in their hearts, each with their own thoughts.

How interesting, Zhao Jingwen thought. Indeed the young masters' backgrounds were better than his.

Like him, his skills were just some superficial boxing and palm techniques before. The real skills with blades and spears were all personally taught by Ye Suijin after their marriage.

They had also studied properly, unlike him who only learned a little as a child, recognizing just a few characters, barely not blind.

But so what?

When Ye Suijin ordered the beheadings, they didn't dare to act.

Zhao Jingwen bit into a steamed bun with smoked meat and chewed with big mouthfuls, hiding his disdain for the Ye young masters.

His eyes swept outward and suddenly saw Duan Jin sitting on the ground eating with others not far away.

This kid... was quite capable. Much stronger than the young masters.

Seeing him look over, Duan Jin snorted softly and turned his head away.

After dinner, Ye Suijin summoned her brothers to her tent for a meeting: "A-Jin, you come too."

Duan Jin answered and darted over.

Inside the tent, lamps were lit, flames flickering. Illuminating the sons' unhappy faces.

Ye Suijin's gaze swept over them: "Speak your thoughts."

This year, she was twenty years old. So it was actually eighteen years in the past.

Memories so distant, many events left an impression, yet also blurred.

What was etched in her heart was the valor of her elder and younger brothers on the battlefield.

She knew they were still young before her, lacking experience, green. Yet forgot they were so green as this.

For it was from such greenness, they followed her step by step to become as they were later.

Stumbling and crawling, covered in scars.

One by one, sacrificing their lives, helping Zhao Jingwen to ascend the throne step by step.

This was not Zhao Jingwen's fault.

It was Ye Suijin's crime.