Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 88

Then came the report on the battle situation.

"Lord Ye Si is a fierce general," Yan Xiao said with a smile. "He led Fifth Son and Seventh Son into battle, and they didn't disappoint either. I've sparred with the other young lords as well, and they're not bad. Don't be fooled by Little Shi Lang's monkey-like demeanor — Ninth Son said that once on the battlefield, no one can rein in his battle steed.

"The Ye army this time consisted of veterans leading new recruits. It seems the Ye family has been continuously recruiting. You can tell the fresh greenhorns at a glance. The veterans are decent enough."

To stand out from the generals and be acknowledged as an adopted son by Pei Ze, Ye Suijin was naturally an exceptional talent.

Yan Xiao also had discerning eyes.

For the Ye army, his assessment was "decent enough."

Pei Ze nodded.

But Yan Xiao wasn't done singing their praises.

"Lord Ye," his eyes shone brightly, "looks so dashing fully armed and armored!"

Ye Suijin's armor was custom made for her by her late father at great expense.

Privately owning armor during peaceful times was charged as treason. But back then, peace was already fading, and a doting father had this fine set of armor specially crafted for his beloved daughter.

When Ye Suijin donned it, she was indeed gallant and dazzling.

Yan Xiao's eyes were glued to her.

Pei Ze glanced at him.

Yan Xiao coughed loudly and rubbed his nose. "Anyway, I'll go over tomorrow..."

Before he could finish, someone grabbed him from behind, choking his neck. "Take turns, take turns. How can it always be just you?"

Yan Xiao: "Let go!"

The army needed some youthful vigor. While Pei Ze was extremely strict with these young generals in combat, he was quite easygoing with them in private.

As such, his adopted sons were both loyal and affectionate towards Pei Dingxi.

Pei Ze said, "Take turns."

Everyone was delighted.

There were still a few who had yet to meet Ye Suijin and looked forward to it.

Fang Prefecture, Fangling.

Zhao Jingwen realized he had trapped himself.

When Ye Suijin severed ties with him, she took Hekou and recalled one hundred of the Ye troops. Thankfully, she wasn't heartless enough to go through with it completely. The men he had recruited himself, she left to him.

But now, he had no territory, so no income either.

Most of the liquid assets he had accumulated previously were spent on the betrothal gifts for his marriage.

So he cherished these three hundred ragtag soldiers even more, as they were his only capital now.

What he had feared most recently was Pei Ze absorbing these three hundred men.

As his father-in-law, if Pei Ze did so, Zhao Jingwen would have no recourse, neither in propriety nor strength, to resist in the slightest.

Fortunately, Pei Ze did not do so. These three hundred men formed an independent battalion. While the Pei family provided their provisions, they were outside the Pei army's command structure, with Zhao Jingwen as their sole leader. His old father-in-law clearly had no intention to exploit him, even supporting him.

At that time, Zhao Jingwen felt extremely grateful.

But after the brief gratitude, he realized his own shortsightedness!

While this arrangement ensured that the Pei father and son would not encroach on his men, it also excluded him, Pei's son-in-law, from the Pei army.

He had his three hundred ragtag soldiers, but only these three hundred.

Leading an independent battalion also meant he would not be given a position in the Pei army.

Zhao Jingwen regretted it immensely!

He should have decisively handed over these three hundred men to Pei Ze then to demonstrate his loyalty!

What choked him even more was that Pei Ze and Ye Suijin had joined forces seamlessly, without any rift between them.

Ye Suijin allowed Pei Ze passage through Deng Prefecture on his way to the capital to declare fealty, and even sold grain to him.

Moreover, they conspired together on Jun Prefecture!

It wasn't until right before the army mobilized that Zhao Jingwen found out about it. He hadn't even been permitted to attend the military meetings.

In that moment, he realized his grave mistake.

He had excluded himself from the Pei army, which completely contradicted his original intention in marrying Pei Lian.

It was rare for him to make such a huge blunder. Looking back carefully, it was because Ye Suijin's heartless letting go had completely disrupted his footing at that time.

To this day, he still couldn't understand how Ye Suijin could be so heartless, as if she didn't care at all about the time and effort she had spent on him before.

When someone invests a lot into something, they often find it very difficult to let go. The more they can't let go, the harder it becomes later on.

No one can escape this law.

So how did Ye Suijin manage to?

Many nights, as Pei Lian slept soundly, Zhao Jingwen was kept awake brooding over this question, tossing and turning.

Was it hatred? Resentment? Bewilderment?

Or regret?

In any case, he had truly panicked then.

And when one panics, it's easy to make mistakes.

He could not let that happen again in the future.

He went to Pei Dingxi.

Compared to Pei Ze, Pei Dingxi was naturally easier to coax.

He endured a beating from Pei Dingxi to let him vent his anger, then promised to resolve all of Pei Lian's troubles in the future. Pei Dingxi then had a smiling expression and was willing to call him brother-in-law.

With Pei Ze away on campaign, he left Pei Dingxi at home with the veteran general Qiao Huai assisting.

Like a crown prince governing as regent of a country.

As regent, he wielded the power of governance.

"Younger brother," he said to Pei Dingxi, "I've been thinking about something. I know Father-in-law avoids suspicion by specially letting me lead my own men."

He had a gentle look, like a caring older brother speaking affectionately to his younger sibling: "But Father-in-law is overthinking things. There's no need for that. Since we're family, I trust Father-in-law. I was thinking, why don't I break up my troops and incorporate them into the family forces? What do you think?"

With the veteran general Qiao Huai not by his side, there was no other senior who could decide things besides Pei Dingxi's personal guards.

Children love to show off and play grown up when given a little power.

With the right inducement, getting Pei Dingxi to handle this matter while Pei Ze was away... Even if Pei Ze wasn't happy about it when he returned, surely with Pei Lian's influence, they could find a way to secure a position for him in the army.

That would be perfect.

But contrary to expectations, little Pei Dingxi blinked, his small face tautening: "Brother-in-law, you are mistaken in this."

Zhao Jingwen: "Huh?"

"Although we're family, even blood brothers must keep clear accounts," said Pei Dingxi. "Father told me, what's yours belongs to Sister, and what's Sister's also belongs to you. Brother-in-law, your men are like your private funds. So they're also Sister's private funds."

"It's not just because Sister is married to you that we're family. Even if Sister wasn't married, Father and brothers absolutely cannot encroach on a daughter's private funds."

"Daughters have always only received support from the family, never the taking of what is theirs. So Father said, we'll handle provisions for Brother-in-law's battalion. But the men — we won't touch a single one."

"The more Brother-in-law trusts us, the more we must exercise self-discipline, otherwise we'd be betraying Brother-in-law's sincerity."

Zhao Jingwen had never imagined there would come a day he'd be lectured by a child like this.

He could feel his eyelid twitching uncontrollably.

"Dingxi," he said, massaging his temples, "listen to me..."

"Brother-in-law, say no more!" Pei Dingxi refused adamantly. "I, Pei Dingxi, am a grown man. From now on, I will only support Sister and Brother-in-law, and will never encroach on anything of Sister's or Brother-in-law's."

"Oh, I'm still small now. Don't worry, when I grow up, I'll grow up to support you Brother-in-law!"

"That's all. Uncle Qiao is waiting for me. I must go."

Zhao Jingwen watched as Pei Dingxi left with his personal guards, speechless.

Clearly communication with children was hopeless.

Zhao Jingwen decided to try through Pei Lian instead.

He expressed similar intentions to Pei Lian, thinking she would surely like him integrating with the Pei father and son. But he still didn't understand Pei Lian well enough.

Unexpectedly, Pei Lian adamantly refused.

Zhao Jingwen was baffled.

When he asked why, she wouldn't say.

Zhao Jingwen tried everything, gently coaxing and persuading her. Finally Pei Lian said coolly: "Father always said Dingxi is my pillar of support."

Indignation showed in her eyes.

"Why's that? Dingxi is just a bastard son of a concubine. Yet he's doted on like a rightful heir."

"He's just a child. How can he grow up enough to support me? Father is muddled."

"Zhao Lang. You are my pillar of support."

"Your men are our household's men. You must be careful, what's ours as husband and wife cannot become Dingxi's."

"Hold firmly onto your own men. Don't mix them together with the family troops."

"If Father and Dingxi have any intentions of encroaching, come tell me immediately. Even if I have to throw a fit to the death, I won't let them succeed."

Zhao Jingwen felt...headache, toothache, liver ache.

His whole body ached.

Pei Lian's brain was such a puzzle. How could such a delicate and feeble woman, unable to wield a sword or knife, survive in this world without relying on her father and brothers?

And relying on a husband had to be someone reliable.

Yet the husband probably wanted to rely on her father and brothers too.

Such words could not be said bluntly though.

Although Pei Ze didn't allow Pei Lian to marry far away, he found a son-in-law who could stay close by. But Pei Lian was still "married" after all.

Zhao Jingwen was her proper husband, not an adopted son-in-law.

No family with sons would take in an adopted son-in-law, whose children could threaten the status of the grandsons.

All men have a clear line drawn in their hearts.

As Zhao Jingwen held Pei Lian closely, whispering intimately for a long time, he gradually came to understand the relationship between this father and daughter.

Pei Ze loved his daughter and felt guilty towards her. This was extremely beneficial for Zhao Jingwen.

But Pei Lian could not come around.

She remained very stubborn.

With Zhao Jingwen's experience, she should have become more flexible after going through such an arduous escape and wandering.

He wondered how Pei Lian had become this way.

Until Pei Lian tearfully told him, "You don't know how much suffering I went through out there, enduring cold and hunger. Old Chen who protected me always told me, I was the young miss of Jian'nan Domain. Young miss of Jian'nan Domain, as long as I found my father, I could live a good life."

"I relied entirely on this to sustain me. But guess what?"

"Yes, my father showed fatherly love and filial piety to Er Lang, even teaching him to read and write, and martial arts while riding the same horse hand in hand."

"As for me, after years of displacement and homelessness, I was left with just a sickly body."

Zhao Jingwen asked her, "Where is this Old Chen now?"

This man had protected her for many years when she was young. Perhaps his words could persuade her.

Pei Lian said, "He died of illness two years ago."

Zhao Jingwen: "..."

Zhao Jingwen sighed deeply to the sky.