Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 76

In March, Ye Suijin was in Biyang.

News came from the Ye family village that Third Son's wife had given birth to their second son.

Ye Fourth Uncle was the first to return to Biyang, clearly in good spirits. He said to Ye Suijin, "I just hope this one will make it."

Their firstborn was also a boy, but died before his first birthday, what a pity.

To avoid misfortune, they deliberately gave the child a lowly name, calling him Little Turtle.

Ye Suijin nodded, "Little Turtle."

Just like his past life.

Same nickname, same time and gender of birth.

Ye Suijin liked seeing some things were the same as the past life.

These things were like anchors sunk on a ship, firmly fixed there, giving her reference points amidst the flowing river of time.

"He will surely live a long life of a hundred years," she said.

Ye Fourth Uncle said, "Third Son will return in a few days. I hope Er Bao didn't cause any trouble while we were away?"

Since Ye Suijin had set up her administrative office in Biyang, naturally everyone would follow her there.

Fifth Uncle, Seventh Uncle, Eighth Uncle's families had all moved over.

Fourth Uncle's family stayed behind because Tang Rong was nearing her due date. They planned to move after her month of confinement.

Ye Suijin had instructed them, "No rush, focus on Tang Rong and the baby's health and safety."

Fourth Mother deeply agreed, "Sixth Sister is steady and sober-minded."

But Twelfth Sister couldn't wait, she had already moved to Biyang.

Because Tang Rong's due date was nearing, Fourth Uncle and Third Son had gone back earlier, leaving Twelfth Sister in Ye Suijin's care.

Ye Suijin smiled, "Twelfth Sister is no troublemaker."

Strangely, Twelfth Sister who was "raising the roof three days after not being beaten" and "unladylike" in front of Fourth Uncle, became obedient under Ye Suijin's care.

She diligently did whatever asked of her.

Ye Suijin said, "To curb her mischief, I had her teacher assign her more schoolwork."

Twelfth Sister's teacher, Chen, who was now the county magistrate, regularly left her assignments. As he came to report official business to Ye Suijin every ten days, he could conveniently check Twelfth Sister's work.

For the sake of her studies, and to avoid being mocked by Fourth Uncle, Twelfth Sister worked very hard.

They were just speaking of her when Twelfth Sister rushed in, "Sis, have you seen Tang Mingjie... Oh, Father you're back! My sister-in-law gave birth? Of course she did, otherwise why would you be back. What did she have?"

After speaking she realized her silliness, "Oh, of course it's your nephew."

Fourth Uncle knocked her on the back of the head, "What do you mean 'what did she have'? What could it be, obviously your nephew. Your nephew Little Turtle, weighed on the gold scale, seven pounds six ounces."

The Ye family had a gold scale that was specially used to weigh newborn clan babies.

Twelfth Sister rubbed the back of her head, "Tsk, still lighter than me. My mother said I was seven pounds eight ounces when born, nearly killing her. What's with this name! Father your hand is too heavy! Do you have a grudge against me?"

In one sentence, death of father and mother.

What a filial daughter!

Fourth Uncle was so angry his eyes bulged.

Ye Suijin smiled, "Tang Mingjie ran away again?"

Twelfth Sister was incensed, "He refuses to practice his penmanship properly!"

Fourth Uncle said, "If he doesn't like writing just let it go. Let him focus on martial arts."

The orphan Tang Mingjie from Tang village was taken in by Ye Suijin as a godson and brought back to Ye village. At that time Ye Suijin and Zhao Jingwen were away, so the Ye manor was empty. They couldn't leave a child with speech impairment alone there. So Fourth Uncle first housed Tang Mingjie in his home.

When the family learned of Tang Mingjie's history they deeply sympathized with him.

Fourth Mother and Tang Rong took great care of his food, clothing, and shelter.

They enrolled him in the Ye family school for beginner literacy, together with a group of pint-sized boys.

Before his family's misfortune, Tang Mingjie had actually started learning the basics. But after years hiding in a well, he had forgotten everything.

One advantage of the school was the teacher spoke clearly, and the children were also learning to speak. This greatly aided Tang Mingjie's recovery of speech.

At the time, Twelfth Sister seemed incompetent at everything to Fourth Uncle, only passably able to write.

But she was kindhearted.

When she heard about Miss Tang's circumstances from others, she cried and sobbed.

After asking Tang Mingjie his age, she was shocked to learn he was eleven, the same age as her, only a few months younger. Yet Tang Mingjie was a head shorter than her, she had assumed he was just a young boy.

Fourth Mother wiped away tears, "It must be malnutrition that stunted his growth."

Twelfth Sister said to Tang Mingjie, "Don't be afraid, from now on in our home, you'll eat meat every day."

Fourth Mother and Tang Rong took care of Tang Mingjie's living needs. When Twelfth Sister saw his sloppy handwriting from school, she enthusiastically taught him penmanship.

In Fourth Uncle's words, "Twelfth is useless at everything, yet can write decently."

So back then in Nanyang, Ye Jingyi allowed Twelfth Sister to serve as clerk and record witness testimonies in the hall.

Yet Tang Mingjie did not enjoy practicing writing.

The Ye family school was different from others. With the Ye family's military background, academics were not the primary focus. Those like Ye Jingyi who had academic talents and passion for learning, went to other academies for education.

Martial arts was the core curriculum of the Ye school.

Tang Mingjie trained in martial arts together with the pint-sized boys.

Compared to book learning, he showed great enthusiasm for martial arts.

Initially when Ye Suijin asked if he wanted to learn literature or martial arts, he chose martial arts.

However his physical condition was poorer than the other boys.

The martial arts instructors, who were all Ye clansmen, said his physical foundation was weak.

Although Tang Mingjie's speech had recovered, he still didn't like to talk. Unless teachers asked him questions, he could go a whole day without speaking.

Hearing this from the instructors, he buried his head into eating. Because Fourth Mother said in order to have a strong body, he must eat well first.

While flipping and flopping about, and following a better diet, Tang Mingjie's gaunt little body grew rapidly.

Compared to normal children, he grew exceptionally fast. Fourth Mother worried, "It's not good to grow this quickly, what if problems develop."

They invited an imperial physician to check his bones and take his pulse. The doctor said, "No issues detected, likely making up for prior deficiencies all at once. Just keep up with nutritious meals."

A strong body was the foundation of martial arts. As Tang Mingjie's physical condition improved, so did his martial arts skills. Of course, being older he picked things up faster than the little boys.

Soon he was promoted to train with the slightly older children.

He worked very hard and made swift progress.

Yet compared to Ye children of the same age, he still fell short.

Tang Mingjie asked the martial arts teachers what he should do.

The teachers all gave similar advice. "You have a weaker foundation, so you must work doubly hard. If others hold a horse stance for one incense stick, then you do two incense sticks."

So Tang Mingjie worked twice as hard.

For this move, Twelfth Sister also dragged Tang Mingjie to Biyang, "Fool, my father and brothers are all there. My father, Black Horse Silver Spear Ye Fengtang; my eldest brother King Yama Ye Third Son. My younger brother... oh, ignore him. The point is, all the best in my family are over there. With you in Biyang, my father and brothers can teach you themselves."

"Of course it would be even better if Sis could instruct you herself. But you're not at that level yet. At the minimum, you'll need another five years of practice before you'll be qualified for my Sis to teach you personally."

Tang Mingjie had wanted to remain in the Ye family school. But after Twelfth Sister's persuasion, he also went to Biyang.

Yet a person's time and energy is limited. The more devoted to one thing, the less remains for another.

So Tang Mingjie often skipped his schoolwork to spend more time training martial arts.

Just now Twelfth Sister was running all over trying to catch him.

Hearing Fourth Uncle tell her to stop nagging Tang Mingjie about writing, she was indignant. "His writing is so ugly, in the future when he goes out and says he is my Ye Twelfth's nephew, it will be too embarrassing."

The passed Twelfth Son left the name "Ye Twelfth" open for her to claim.

As Ye Suijin's godson, Tang Mingjie lived in the prefectural residence after arriving in Biyang. Ye Suijin was too busy to pay him much attention. She was fine with Twelfth Sister helping to look after him.

She said, "He's probably run off to practice martial arts in the western courtyard. Go ask Duan Jin, he would know. "

Twelfth Sister clip clopped away.

By the time Ye Suijin was free and remembered to ask Duan Jin, he replied, "I didn't send Twelfth Sister to find him."

Ye Suijin looked at him meaningfully.

Duan Jin said, "Given Mingjie's background, how can he study and live a normal life like others? He is determined to only learn martial arts."

Ye Suijin understood the meaning of "obsession" more than others. She nodded, "I'll mention this to the Twelfth Madam later."

Tang Mingjie was no longer suitable to keep studying like an ordinary child.

She then said, "Find Mingjie a proper martial arts master to apprentice under."

The Ye family was full of martial artists, it would be easy to find a master.

But Duan Jin said, "No need to find anyone, I'll teach him myself."

Ye Suijin glanced at him.

Later, they set up a special place and gathered the orphans and widows from the Ye family army to support them.

Since Ye Suijin was in the palace, she could not oversee this herself.

Duan Jin was the one mainly taking care of things outside.

He often went to visit the orphans.

Having been a street beggar himself, the great general surprisingly knew how to care for children very well, and understood what these children needed.

Duan Jin left the study and stood in the corridor outside.

That look again, he thought.

Her gaze would sometimes leave him confused.

He lowered his eyes for a moment, then left.

The spring sunshine in March was brilliant, and all things were coming to life. Truly a wonderful season.

Third Son became a father again, which was joyous news.

Following that, General Guan sent someone to contact them.

Ye Suijin placed great importance on General Guan's side, so she went personally.

Seeing her, General Guan was much friendlier than before. If she wasn't a woman, he probably would have greeted her cheerfully with open arms.

General Guan heartily said, "Let's settle accounts."

Ye Suijin had brought Jiang Yinxuan with her. Jiang Yinxuan could handle the accounting.

Seeing the delighted look on General Guan's face, it was obvious he had made a huge profit this time.

As a straightforward man, General Guan's accounts were very clear and unambiguous.

He said, "My routes here are open now, don't let the supply run dry on your end."

Ye Suijin replied, "I'll do my best."

General Guan said, "We're all making money together. I would never cheat you."

Ye Suijin said, "The General is of course trustworthy."

What Ye Suijin cared about more was another matter. "General, how is that matter coming along?"

Stared at yearningly by a beautiful woman, General Guan unconsciously straightened his back and said, "Wait a little longer, I'm working on it."

With his status and abilities, he could naturally get in contact with the Dingnan army about the horses.

The key was transportation.

From Dingnan to Dengzhou and Tangzhou was through the core territories of Great Jin.

Smuggling quality horses had to be done with great care.

Ye Suijin also knew this would be difficult. But she desperately wanted horses from Liangzhou.

Later, when Duan Jin conquered the north, his cavalry rumbled with iron hooves, known as the "Grey Crow Iron Cavalry", striking fear throughout the land.

Even children in the capital spread this verse: "Grey crows flutter, terrifyingly killing."

The northern tribes changed color at the mere mention.

The Grey Crow army rode Liangzhou horses.

When could she also have Liangzhou horses?

Perhaps her obsession for Liangzhou horses was too deep, her eyes inevitably resentful. Even General Guan felt a little uncomfortable under her gaze.

He quickly cleared his throat and said, "There's some news from the capital I think you don't know about."

Quickly change the subject.

Sure enough, Ye Suijin was intrigued. "General, please tell me. I'm out of the loop here, I rely entirely on you for news from the capital."

With one sentence, the General's chest puffed out again.

Back in Biyang, Ye Suijin told Jiang Yinxuan, "Keep what's my share, the rest is profit for the east family."

Jiang Yinxuan was elated, "We all make money together, that's how to really make money!"

Perhaps good things just flock together, because the second day after Ye Suijin returned to Biyang, Qiu Sheng hurriedly came to report, "Er Bao is back!"

Ye Suijin looked up.

She had been waiting for this for a long time.

Had the thing she had been hoping for finally arrived?

Er Bao was covered in dust, clearly having rushed back urgently at top speed.

He first returned to Ye Manor, but was shocked to find it much emptier than before. Many families had moved to Biyang.

Er Bao was dumbfounded.

Because Qiu Sheng had gone to Hekou several times but never mentioned that the owner had taken Tangzhou. And now she even controlled two provinces!

Er Bao felt very complicated, but hurried straight to Biyang.

Once alone in the room, Er Bao knelt down heavily. "Mistress, Zhao Lang...Zhao Jingwen, he wants to divorce his wife and marry someone else!"

"It's the daughter of Pei Ze from Fangzhou."

"Pei Ze controls Fangzhou and has about two to three thousand men."

"Mistress, what should we do?"

Er Bao was furious.

Servants emphasized loyalty.

Although everyone respectfully addressed him as Langjun, Zhao Jingwen was merely a lowly dependent son-in-law. Yet he dared to divorce his wife and remarry.

And his proper wife was Er Bao's mistress, Ye Suijin.

If the master was dishonored, the servant must avenge.

Er Bao was so angry, but when he raised his head, he saw his mistress Ye Suijin's expression was hard to describe.

But at the corner of her mouth, Er Bao saw clearly, there was a trace of a ......

smile that was impossible to comprehend!