Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 73

Pei Ze sat dejectedly on the embroidered bench. Pei Dingxi quickly went over to support him.

Pei Ze waved his hand, "Let me talk to your sister."

Pei Dingxi looked at Pei Lian, then back at him. Knowing what to do, he respectfully withdrew.

He Lian Xiang Yun was standing outside the courtyard, not even stepping into the yard.

Although the wedding was to take place this month, he was still very courteous before the marriage.

When Pei Dingxi came out, he saw He Lian Xiang Yun standing outside with his hands behind his back.

Hearing the sound, He Lian Xiang Yun turned around and asked, "How is the Lady?"

Pei Dingxi replied, "She's fine now that we were able to save her in time. Nothing serious happened."

He Lian Xiang Yun nodded slightly.

Pei Dingxi was muttering in his heart.

He felt that He Lian was being rather cold towards his sister. She had just tried to hang herself, yet he only nodded lightly in response.

Especially since his sister was prone to melancholy and tears. She needed more patience, care, and gentle words from others.

He Lian was indeed a little too cold and indifferent.

The young lad didn't yet realize that he had really been duped by his father.

Pei Ze felt guilty towards his wife and daughter, and wanted to make amends wholeheartedly. But he could not take care of Pei Lian for the rest of her life. When he was gone, Pei Dingxi would be Pei Lian's main support.

So from an early age, he had repeatedly told Pei Dingxi to understand his sister's suffering, to feel that he owed her, and to sincerely want to compensate her well.

In fact, only the two of them, father and son, felt this way in the entire Fang Prefecture.

When the maid went ahead to report Pei Lian's suicide attempt, He Lian Xiang Yun had laughed to himself.

Even the little attendant who served tea at the door knew that nothing would happen to Eldest Young Lady Pei.

That was for certain. With so many maids surrounding her, there was no way she could truly commit suicide. Otherwise, those maids might as well die too.

In Pei Lian's room, Pei Ze asked dejectedly, "What do you want in the end?"

Pei Lian took a deep breath.

"I don't want to marry He Lian. I want to marry the man I like," she said as she sat up.

"If I am to marry, I will only marry Zhao Jingwen from Taiyuan."

"Otherwise, I would rather not marry for the rest of my life."

"Anyway, with my sickly health, I am not destined for a long life."

Pei Dingxi and He Lian Xiang Yun were both waiting outside.

Finally, Pei Ze came out with an uncertain expression.

He Lian called out, "Father?"

Pei Ze glanced at him, feeling complicated.

He Lian Xiang Yun's brows furrowed slightly.

Pei Dingxi called out, "Father," and asked, "How is sister?"

Pei Ze came to his senses and said, "Nothing serious happened. He Lian, you may go."

He Lian Xiang Yun had many affairs to handle. After being delayed by Pei Lian for two to three days, he bid farewell and left to attend to them.

Pei Ze said again, "Dingxi, come with me."

Father and son went to the study. Pei Ze asked closely about the details of "Zhao Jingwen from Taiyuan".

But Pei Dingxi could not provide much more. After exchanging pleasantries, he had gone in to find his sister.

Pei Ze said, "You interacted with him very briefly. How could you become so fond of him?"

"Huh? Me?" Pei Dingxi scratched his head. "Do I?"

Pei Ze affirmed, "You like this person."

Pei Dingxi replied, "Master Zhao is indeed likable."

Pei Ze asked, "Why is that?"

But Pei Dingxi could not explain. He only said, "I don't know, I just... anyway, I quite like him."

Although young, he was very mature.

Those around saw him as cute and amusing. Due to his status, of course no one dared to laugh at him openly.

But he could still sense the suppressed laughter in their eyes.

This often left Pei Dingxi feeling helpless and distressed.

But upon seeing his childlike way of speaking despite his young age, Master Zhao immediately assumed a serious attitude, without looking down on him for his youth in the slightest.

Under Pei Dingxi's old-souled behavior, there was still a child's heart. He immediately took a great liking to Zhao.

He said, "Anyway, I like him a lot."

After thinking for a bit, he added, "He also spoke to my sister very gently. He even advised her to communicate well with our family. I could see my sister was nearly moved to tears."

Pei Ze nodded, dismissed him, and summoned Pei Lian's guard captain to inquire closely about the situation at the time.

This was the third time he was recounting it in detail. He had already told it to He Lian, and to Pei Ze once before as well.

The guard captain again recounted everything in great detail. As he spoke, his heart thumped nervously, having some guesses.

Sure enough, after Pei Ze had asked many detailed questions about much information, he asked, "Did he act frivolously or seductively towards the Lady?"

The guard captain knew it!


He considered carefully.

Master Zhao did have a romantic air about him, and his smile was captivating. That was innate to him.

As someone from the lady's side, he certainly felt some dislike initially. But to be objective, not only did Master Zhao not do anything improper, he was very courteous.

He had not even spoken more than a few words to Pei Lian, and had not taken any initiative to get close to her whatsoever.

But of course the guard captain could not tell the whole truth either - that it was the young lady who, having reached marrying age, was feeling the first stirrings of romance.

He could only answer evasively with eyes fixed straight ahead: "Master Zhao is someone who understands and observes propriety very well, and did not act frivolously at all."

After a pause, he hesitated, "It's just that..."

Pei Ze said, "Speak freely."

The guard captain said, "It's just that Master Zhao is naturally charming, the kind of appearance that is very captivating to women."

As he spoke, he even stealthily glanced at Pei Ze.

Pei Ze immediately understood.

The men Pei Lian interacted with daily were mainly his adopted sons.

They were talented men, skilled in martial arts and military affairs. He Lian was the most outstanding among them.

But none really had an appearance that was "naturally charming, captivating to women."

If one had to pick such a man, it would be...


Pei Ze's expression was gloomy.

The guard captain didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

After a long silence, Pei Ze dismissed him. Only then did he carefully withdraw, heaving a long sigh of relief.

He Lian Xiang Yun first dealt with some matters, then returned to his own residence.

A teenage boy greeted him, "Uncle, you're back!"

The boy looked about 13 or 14. His features were not as striking as He Lian Xiang Yun's. Although they had Hu ancestry, it had been assimilated over many generations long ago. Culturally they had completely Sinicized. They were quite unlike the Hu people of the grasslands who shared their origins.

Basically, they were Han Chinese.

But occasionally there would be some with very striking features, like He Lian Xiang Yun's appearance.

The boy asked, "Did you bring my auntie back?"

He Lian Xiang Yun said, "She's not your aunt yet."

The boy laughed, "But she's going to be real soon!"

He then asked, "Uncle, what if after the wedding, my auntie still acts like this? What should we do?"

He Lian Xiang Yun replied, "Leng Ban."

The boy scratched his head as he brought over water for He Lian to wash his face.

As He Lian washed up, he said, "You can't have both ends of the sugarcane be sweet. Once you accept one end, you can't still be wishing for the other."

The boy said, "...Alright."

He relied on his uncle for survival. His uncle had brought him to follow Pei Ze, to serve under Pei Ze.

Since he was marrying Pei Ze's beloved daughter, he shouldn't expect a virtuous and gentle wife, and should lower his status.

One cannot be too greedy.

Just then, Pei Ze's personal guards came to summon: "The master requests General He Lian's presence in the study."

Having just finished washing his face, He Lian went along directly.

Upon entering the study, he saw Pei Ze with worried clouds on his brow.

"Father," He Lian asked, "Why so worried?"

Pei Ze heaved a deep sigh, raising his eyes to look at He Lian Xiang Yun.

He truly liked He Lian very much. He felt assured entrusting his daughter and son to him.

But now...

Sensing his mood, He Lian said, "Father, speak of any difficulties directly."

Pei Ze sighed longly and said, "A Yun, you know this. Since you came to Fangling, I have thought highly of you."

He Lian said, "Father's grace to me is profound, and always in my heart."

Pei Ze was silent for a long time before finally saying with difficulty, "But Lian'er is my only daughter..."

He Lian looked up.

“I’m the one who wronged you,” said Pei Ze. “Xiang Yun, let’s call off your engagement with my daughter.”

He Lian Xiang Yun was silent for a while before asking, “Who will the eldest miss marry then?”

Pei Ze didn’t answer.

But the number of men Pei Lian could get in touch with was limited. Considering her personality, He Lian soon guessed, “She’s taken a liking to Zhao Jingwen from Taiyuan?”

Pei Ze heaved a long sigh and closed his eyes, kneading his face with his hands. That was as good as admitting it.

The study fell silent.

He Lian lowered his head in thought for a moment before standing up and lifting his robe to kneel down. “All these years, I’m grateful to have enjoyed the shelter and care of my foster father. I’ll never be able to repay such kindness,” he said. “Now that fate has run its course between us, I wish my foster father good health and longevity, success in reclaiming his homeland, and fulfillment of his wishes.”

He performed three deep bows with the utmost respect.

Pei Ze grabbed his arm and raised him up, with tears in his eyes, “Xiang Yun, I’ve let you down.”

“It’s just that I owe her too much. This is the matter of her lifetime. I, I really...”

He Lian also held his arm, “Sir, I understand.”

The bond between foster father and son ended with that one word “Sir”.

Pei Ze wept.

He Lian returned to his own courtyard. His nephew came over and asked, “What’s happened again?”

He Lian said, “Go tell our people to pack up. We’re leaving.”

The youth was puzzled. “Leaving? Where to?”

He Lian said, “I don’t know.”

He explained, “My engagement with the eldest miss is called off. Fangling is no longer a place for me. Let’s go somewhere else and start anew. We’ll figure it out as we go.”

The young man was surprised but held back his questions. He stamped his feet and went to inform the others.

When the youth returned to the yard, he happened to meet the guard delivering a small chest. He set it down and left.

“What’s this? It’s so heavy,” the youth said, picking it up and shaking it. Opening the chest, he exclaimed, “Wow, so much gold and silver?”

“A parting gift from the master,” He Lian Xiang Yun said. “Are the people ready?”

The young man replied, “They’re ready. Everyone is really upset.”

“There’s no need to be upset,” He Lian said. “Parting can be sweet sorrow.”

He had six or seven servants who were his personal property. They had accompanied him when he first arrived, so of course they would leave with him now.

The young man had gone to inform these several people.

As frequent travelers, they could pack up swiftly with little fuss. They bundled up and were ready to depart at a word.

After getting their gear in order, they set off. Pei Ze came out to see them off.

“Sir, please go back,” He Lian said after a look. “Where is the young master?”

Pei Ze replied, “If he knew, he would be heartbroken.”

He Lian nodded, got on his horse, and left with his party.

After traveling twenty li, dust rose behind them as someone gave chase and caught up. It was none other than Pei Dingxi.

“Brother-in-law, you’re really leaving?” The boy had ridden hard to catch up. Covered in dust, he was out of breath. He Lian dismounted and said, “I won’t be your brother-in-law anymore. You’ll have to stop calling me that.”

Pei Dingxi’s eyes reddened. “But you’ll always be my master.”

As Pei Ze’s foster son, He Lian Xiang Yun and Pei Lian had both taught Pei Dingxi martial arts. But after He Lian and Pei Lian’s betrothal, He Lian Xiang Yun had been the sole teacher.

Pei Dingxi looked to the youth again, “You’re leaving too, Feiyu?”

He Lian Feiyu harrumphed, “I have to follow my uncle.”

Upset, he added, “It’s all because of your sister.”

Not having experienced parting before, Pei Dingxi usually acted mature, but had few peers his age and got along very well with He Lian Feiyu. Now that they had to separate, he couldn’t hold back his tears.

“Can’t you not go?” he pleaded. “If she wants to marry someone else, can’t you find another wife too?”

He Lian Xiang Yun was indifferent towards Pei Lian but harbored some true feelings for Pei Dingxi.

He patiently explained, “Some things a man cannot abide - avenging his father’s murder, hating his wife's captor.”

“Even if I don’t mind, I can’t guarantee your future brother-in-law won’t be suspicious. If he were to be wary in the future, I’m afraid it would end badly for all of us.”

“Better to part on good terms now.”

He said it earnestly and the child was smart enough to understand.

But Pei Dingxi's tears continued to fall freely. At that moment, he was every bit a child.

He Lian Xiang Yun smiled and squatted down to gently pat his head, instructing him, “From now on, you must stay by your master's side. Think you can do that?”

Pei Dingxi was by his master's side even now. He didn't understand what would be so hard about that, and nodded.

He Lian Xiang Yun told him, "Grow up quickly."

Pei Dingxi nodded again.

Through tear-filled eyes, he watched as He Lian and his nephew mounted their horses without a backward glance and rode away.