Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 65

No one understood the severity of this situation better than Zhao Jingwen.

In his current state, he was actually similar to Du Jingzhong in Fang Cheng - empty.

The core force he truly relied on was actually just these one hundred people from Ye Family Fort.

The Ye Family were descendants of a prominent military family, with deep roots. Although they had declined, the Ye Family's training of their family troops still followed formal military practices.

Otherwise, why was it that during the years of war and chaos, only the Ye Family stood out in Deng Prefecture? And only the Ye Family had a fort and troops?

Zhao Jingwen's mind had always been clear, but in order to achieve certain goals, one often had to sacrifice something else.

There was no place for him in Ye Family Fort. He had to seek opportunities outside.

He yearned to have his own power, but also knew that these one hundred Ye Family troops would eventually return to Ye Family Fort.

Therefore, he urgently recruited more men.

The scattered troops of miscellaneous generals, local bandits, willing young and strong men - whether they were captured, encountered, or came to enlist themselves, he wanted them all.

In this rapid expansion process, in pursuit of numbers, naturally quality could not be demanded.

Also fearing these men would flee, he was very lenient towards them.

Some originally mixed good and bad people clustered together, and gained arrogance when they had strength in numbers.

But if these hundred Ye Family troops also turned bad, then the foundation would be gone before he even finished building his high tower.

An aerial castle simply could not exist without foundation.

Zhao Jingwen's face was ashen. He realized the qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes, and how dangerous that was.

What should he do now?

Pay them off, punish them lightly? Or......

What would Ye Suijin do if she was here?

No, if it was her, she would not have recruited such a mixed group of people from the very beginning!

How did she treat Du Jingzhong's men?

[Show no quarter.]

At this time, Xiang Da leaned in slightly and lowered his voice: "Sir, shall we enforce military law?"

Zhao Jingwen looked at him.

He also glanced at Ye Mancang, who seemed to have no objection to the proposal.

Yes, the Ye Family troops had military laws!

The new military laws currently in effect required everyone to memorize them. Those laws were written by Ye Suijin herself, one by one. Zhao Jingwen had seen it with his own eyes, even earlier than others.

Zhao Jingwen had an epiphany.

He took a deep breath.

Those who could not abide by the Ye Family military laws would simply not be recognized by the Madam.

What would be the point then.

"Come!" His gaze became clear again, "Enforce military law!"

The numbers were enough. Even if not enough, he could not wait any longer. It was time to rectify the quality.

He wanted to build an army and establish military systems. He did not want to become a bandit.

Ye Family Fort was filled with festive atmosphere everywhere.

When Ye Suijin led the troops back to Ye Family Fort, she did not relax immediately.

She first inspected the new barracks training, the progress of the craftsmen camp, and lightly-armed, made a quick trip around Deng Prefecture with Fourth Uncle Ye, Third Son, Duan Jin and others, inspecting people's livelihoods.

Shelter pits were built in each county for the refugees. Some refugees from the north were even more familiar with these than the locals, and made some modifications. They were better and more suitable for a family to spend the winter than the simple design of the new barracks in Ye Family Fort.

In short, very few froze or starved to death in Deng Prefecture this year.

Wherever Ye Suijin inspected, the refugees recognized her and bowed down to thank her.

Ye Suijin also checked the results of dredging waterways, and listened to the reports of Gaoyang County Magistrate Sun Xiangxue, Nanyang County Magistrate Ye Jingyi, as well as Eighth Uncle Ye who administered the counties and townships.

This included the surplus in county treasuries after autumn taxes, expenditures of the Ever Normal Granaries to aid refugees, corvee burdens, and so on.

Gaoyang County Magistrate Sun Xiangxue was truly convinced. His Lordship was not just a mindless brute who knew only to fight and kill. Her depth of understanding and concern for people's livelihood even shocked him somewhat.

As a properly-educated degree-holding official of the former Wei Dynasty, he vaguely sensed that Ye Suijin's perspective on governing her domains was very orthodox from the court's point of view.

He could not understand why. Given her family background and life experience, was this some kind of innate gift?

Were there really people who just knew these things by nature?

Of course Ye Suijin would not tell him, I have conquered the realm before, and I have ruled the realm before.

When conquering the realm I was concerned with soldiers, provisions, and military affairs.

When ruling the realm I oversaw the people's livelihoods.

I have also debated with groups of scholars, whose knowledge, abilities and even shamelessness were tens of thousands times stronger than yours.

Scholars learned the art of governing from the classics of sages, while Ye Suijin learned from experience.

After making this round trip and returning to Ye Family Fort, the clan was busy preparing for the ancestral worship ceremony.

Fourth Uncle Ye suddenly recalled, "Ah, isn't Jingwen coming back for New Year?"

"Neither Fifth Uncle, Seventh Uncle, nor Mr. Yang can come back," Ye Suijin said matter-of-factly. "Since he is holding that isolated territory, how can he come back so casually?"

Fifth Uncle Ye was at Tangbei Fort, Seventh Uncle Ye at Shangma County, Mr. Yang at Biyang City.

Actually they could come back for a few days to celebrate New Year before returning. But Ye Suijin deliberately kept them all pinned down there.

Thus, Zhao Jingwen's absence seemed all the more natural.

Zhao Jingwen, isn't this exactly what you hoped for?

You're welcome.

"Suijin," the Emperor said, feet up on the couch in the inner palace, wine in hand. "Let me tell you, if you hadn't given me those three hundred men all at once back then, perhaps..."

"Perhaps I would have just gone back to Ye Family Fort obediently."

"Then there wouldn't have been the Pei Family incident."

"Don't you think so?"

"It was the first time I commanded so many people, with power over life and death in my hands."

"Suijin, that's how the fire burns in a man's heart."

"Once lit, how could it possibly be extinguished? It can only burn stronger and stronger, more and more..."

The Empress looked down. The Emperor was pillowed on her lap, already asleep.

Mumbling drunkenly, the Emperor said: "Quick... praise me..."

The Empress lifted the Emperor's neck with her hand, stood up from the couch herself, and retracted her hand.


On the first day, the Emperor kept touching the back of his head, wondering why there was a bump.

This year, the ancestral worship ceremony was still led by Ye Suijin.

Ever since she fought for the inheritance rights of Ye Family Fort, as family head it naturally fell to her to lead.

In previous years, there were always some idlers in the clan who, unable to stand a woman leading the ceremony, would gossip and criticize: "A woman..."

But this year, no one dared fart.

Every year at the ancestral ceremony, everyone would of course wear bright new robes and finery. As the wealthy main branch, the Ye family clothes were particularly eye-catching.

But this year they were no match for - those in the back rows looked ahead, and the main family in front all wore official robes.

Especially Ye Suijin's purple robe and Fourth Uncle Ye's red robe looked so majestic.

It made people's hearts burn with admiration.

Who still dared to gossip? The clan could drown him in spit.

After the ancestral ceremony was the family banquet.

Although Fifth Uncle and Seventh Uncle were not present this year, the festive atmosphere was even more lively than previous years.

Ye Suijin exchanged greetings with Fourth Madam, and asked after Third Son's wife.

Fourth Madam said: "She's expecting, so of course cannot come out to see guests. She's at home."

The thinking at the time was that pregnant women should not go out to see people.

Ye Suijin said: "I'll go see Third Sister-in-Law later."

Fourth Madam smiled and nodded, actually taking it as mere courtesy.

Even in the past Ye Suijin did not go around social visiting like common women, let alone now when she held command of two prefectures.

Fourth Madam did not take it seriously at all. On the contrary, she enthusiastically pulled Ye Suijin into conversation about Fifth Son's marriage.

"I kept saying my heart couldn't bear to marry my daughter off, wanting to wait a couple more years." Fourth Madam was very smug. "Yet the other day, the mother of the bride suddenly came to see me, going on and on, just wanting to hurry up and complete the marriage."

The aunties at the table shared her glory.

Fifth Son encountered his betrothed during a visit to the temple to pray. It was love at first sight. After finding out her family, he came back and begged his parents to propose the marriage.

At that time, the Ye Family of Ye Family Fort was already prominent in Deng Prefecture, one of the top families. Fourth Uncle Ye's family reputation was also good, and Fifth Son was handsome and healthy.

Naturally they agreed immediately.

Although the bride's family was not as wealthy as Fourth Uncle Ye's, they were also a solid local gentry clan. It could be considered a good match.

Both Fourth Uncle and Fourth Madam were satisfied.

But as the Ye Family rose in prominence, Fifth Son rose with the tide.

Previously, Fifth Son was just country squire Ye Chong's son. But now, Fifth Son was Deputy Censor-in-Chief, Vice Prefect Ye Chong's son.

Suddenly, their standings were no longer so well-matched. It was inevitable the other side would be nervous and want to quickly complete the marriage.

"Fifth Son's..." Ye Suijin murmured thoughtfully.

Fourth Madam's smile froze slightly.

Because of Ye Suijin’s tone, it sounded... Clearly not a very satisfied or pleasing tone.

Although the Fourth Madam was delighted, she had never thought of going back on her word and arranging another engagement.

Moreover, the girl was picked by Fifth Son himself, who had been thinking of her day and night.

This was originally her family affair, the children’s marriage was entirely up to the parents, and originally had little to do with Ye Suijin who lived in a different wing.

But why were the in-laws pushing for the marriage, surely not for Fifth Son himself.

Naturally it was for Ye Suijin, Fifth Son's aunt who controlled two prefectures.

If Ye Suijin was unhappy, didn’t approve...

The Fourth Madam became slightly nervous, and quickly said: “The child doesn’t know if you’ve met her before, although she’s been spoiled, she really is a good child, extremely virtuous and filial.” But she's too delicate, can't handle things, as the daughter-in-law of a general’s household, when her husband goes to battle, she can't handle the mental pressure, and actually developed binge eating disorder.

After she died, Fifth Son was heartbroken, and refused to remarry for a long time.

Later, when Fifth Son had no heir, he too died in battle.

It's sad when you think about it, the girl was also pitiful. But people look at things from their own perspectives.

In this matter, Ye Suijin was naturally biased towards the bride’s family.

Even the Fourth Madam, who had been very fond of her darling daughter-in-law, later held some resentment. Whenever she saw Ye Suijin, she would cry and complain that Fifth Son stubbornly refused to remarry, blaming her deceased daughter-in-law for taking away her son's heart.

"Suijin, could there be something wrong with their family?" The Fourth Madam became apprehensive.

The other aunts also pricked up their ears.

Ye Suijin knew that with one word from her, she could call off this marriage.

At this time, no one in the Ye Family would defy her, dare to defy her.

Not even Deng Prefecture.

Her lips moved slightly.

"Sister, don't worry about me." There was a slanted scar on Fifth Son's face, left by a stray arrow when his helmet fell off.

A close call.

"What does it matter if I don't marry again, don't have kids? Sister, you don't have children either, what's there to be afraid of." He said, "Following you around on campaigns, I'm having a great time. Why must I remarry."

"Sister, about the Pei family back then, I was against it."

"I was so young then, my father and them wouldn't listen to me at all."

"Now when I see you and brother-in-law, I often think, this is not right. Between husband and wife, it shouldn't be like this."

"Sister, I don't know if you understand. Lan is my wife, my wife is Lan."

"It can't be anyone else."

"I don't want anyone else at all."

Ye Suijin's lips moved slightly.

The women at the table all held their breaths, waiting for the most powerful person in Deng Prefecture to speak.

Ye Suijin looked up and smiled, "I've heard Fifth Son mention her before. Whenever he does, his face turns red, so he must really like her."

"Marriage is of course the command of the parents, the word of the matchmaker. But if you add in affection, there's nothing better than that."

The whole table relaxed, especially the Fourth Madam.

Ye Suijin said, "Fifth Son's marriage should be celebrated in grand fashion."

The Fourth Madam was elated, "Of course!"

Fate can be changed, of course Fifth Son could be given another wife, perhaps allowing him to have a houseful of children.

But that was not the only method.

To walk the easy path with bowed head, or to stand tall and walk against the heavens.

Ye Suijin, do you have the ability, to allow the loyal brothers to live out their days in peace, to spare the darling sister from fear and alarm.

Ye Suijin, don't take the easy road, or I'll have no respect for you.