Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Chapter 22



"Uncle Ye, I'm taking troops to Fangcheng. I'm leaving the family in your hands," said Ye Suijin.

Everyone smiled over at him.

In recent days, the relationship between Ye Suijin and Fourth Uncle Ye had visibly improved. This was to the delight of everyone at Ye Family Fort.

Uncle Ye said in a deep voice, "You can rest assured."

He then asked, "How many people are you planning to take?"

Ye Suijin said, "Eight hundred."

Uncle Ye murmured, "Eight hundred, huh..."

According to Third Son Ye and Xiang Da's report, Du Jingzhong only had four to five hundred able-bodied young men.

Moreover, not all of them were old retainers from Xuanhua. Many were local ruffians and coerced commoners.

Du Jingzhong's real fighting capacity would be even less after taking this into account.

Ye Suijin nodded. Her gaze swept over the young masters of the Ye family. She said, "Ultimately, war is about people, armaments, and provisions."

"Those so-called surprise attacks sound exciting in storybooks, but are actually desperate measures when supplies and logistics fail."

"Only if you win is it called a surprise attack. Otherwise, it amounts to nothing. Even if you do win, the cost is men's lives."

"Since I can overwhelm them, why bother with tricks and ambushes? Naturally, we'll steamroll all the way through."

"The battle formations will advance wave upon wave in a steady and methodical manner."

"This is the proper way to wage war."

In truth, everyone was rather confused since the Ye Family Fort had never fought a real war. How did the discussion escalate to the level of national warfare?

Only a handful of people actually understood her words.

Mr. Yang with narrowed eyes.

Zhao Jingwen who had thoughtfully studied military books for three years.

And the bright-eyed Duan Jin.

The mistress is right about everything. I must remember her teachings!

"So when real fighting starts, you all must obey my orders. I'm talking about you, Jinglang. If you dare run around on the battlefield, I'll break your legs," Ye Suijin joked and scolded.

Everyone laughed again.

Uncle Ye listened and fully agreed with Ye Suijin's plans. His two sons were going too, so the more prudent the better.

But he worried about another matter: "When do you plan to set out and for how long will you be gone? The fields will be prepared soon."

After the summer harvest ended in the sixth month, they would rest for a few days. Then land preparation would immediately follow to plant beans in the seventh month.

The Ye Family Fort's retainers were not fully exempted from farm work. Agricultural tasks took priority when they were busy in the fields.

Ye Suijin said, "We'll be back victorious by the fifth day of the seventh month at the latest."

Although they outnumbered the enemy twofold, the Ye Family Fort had never actually fought a real "war". Ye Suijin's words thus seemed somewhat arrogantly youthful.

Uncle Ye glanced at her askance. But he had smoothed relations with Ye Suijin lately and didn't want to make her lose face on the spot. He held his tongue.

After everyone else left, Uncle Ye said, "You really dare say you'll finish the fight in five days?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Suijin replied, "He's just a mere officer. For someone of Du Jingzhong's caliber, any delay will be a disgrace to my name Ye Suijin."

Uncle Ye: "..."

He was left speechless by her audacity.

After cooling down, Uncle Ye said, "Why not let me stay and send your uncles instead?"

Although there were elders among the servants and retainers, having seniors from the family itself felt more reassuring. Because once away from home, the Ye clan members were still the true masters. Only youths were going this time.

It felt uncertain.

But Ye Suijin declined, "Uncle, Third Son and the others have seen blood and killed. They're different from before. Don't underestimate them. Our Ye family has been farming for too long. We mustn't forget our ancestors were military officers."

The Ye clan's forebears were a martial family. After retiring to the countryside, they had gradually declined into rural gentry.

Yet the family's martial arts and military knowledge had always been passed down. The boys all learned it, especially those of the main line.

Ye Suijin had purposefully taken her younger brothers out on a tour all around Dengzhou County. She had virtually led them by the hand across that threshold.

Once they crossed the line of killing, their ancestral bloodline and family learning would surely awaken.

Uncle Ye hemmed and hawed for a long time before saying, "Why not bring more people then? Take everyone."

"That won't do. There must always be people left to guard the home," said Ye Suijin as she stared at Uncle Ye. Suddenly she asked, "Uncle, are you afraid?"

Uncle Ye pushed up his sleeve in anger. "What do I have to be afraid of!"

*Why are you pushing up your sleeve on such a hot day?*

*Tsk, thinking only of toughening up the young generation, it seems the older generation ought to be tempered as well. *

*But no matter, there will be ample opportunities in the future.*

Duan Jin was worked to death!

He finally finished his tasks when it was already dusk and had missed mealtime.

He ran to the main kitchen and asked, "Is there any food left?"

His stomach rumbled loudly as he spoke.

The kitchen auntie waved her hand when she saw him: "Come, come quickly!"

Duan Jin smiled brightly and went over.

The auntie lifted the steaming tray on the stove, using a cloth to carefully bring out bowl after bowl of dishes, and added three large steamed buns. "Everyone else already came by to eat. I figured you must've been running errands for the mistress again when I didn't see you. I specially set these aside for you."

Duan Jin sweet-talked her: "I just knew Auntie loves me most!"

He wolfed down the meal in no time. As he was leaving, the kitchen auntie even gave him a bag of fried beans, "Take these back for snacks. Boys your age are always hungry."

When he returned to his quarters, there was someone waiting for him who had apparently been there a while already. A neighbor was keeping the guest entertained.

"Master Qin." Duan Jin quickly went over. "What brings you here? Does the mistress summon me?"

Qin Guanshi promptly said, "No, no. The mistress must be resting now. I came to see you about something."

Qin Guanshi smiled kindly.

Duan Jin already guessed what this was about, but still gestured, "Let's talk inside."

Duan Jin was spoiled since childhood. Although not an official attendant, he had his own private room.

This courtyard housed the family servants and retainers. The residents were all youths.

Those with families mostly lived in the rear alley behind the Ye estate where the servants resided. They would stay here while on duty and got one day off each month to go home.

Duan Jin was orphaned so his home was inside the estate, this one room.

The occupants of the main wing were older. The few living in this annex were young. Two bedrooms shared between several people, yet Duan Jin had one all to himself.

That was the housekeeper's arrangement. No one complained either.

After all, Duan Jin had status in the mistress' eyes.

The others nudged each other knowingly as they saw him invite Qin Guanshi inside. "It must be about matchmaking!"

"Think it'll work out this time?"

"Which family's daughter wants the housekeeper to personally propose?"

After the time it took to burn two sticks of incense, the two came out again.

Qin Guanshi looked regretful while Duan Jin kept bowing and apologizing until he had seen the housekeeper off the premises. Only then did he return.

His companions immediately hooked his neck. "Speak! Whose daughter was it?"

Indeed, Qin Guanshi had come on another's behalf to matchmake for Duan Jin.

Among the servants, Duan Jin had a bright future. Handsome as well, many housekeepers with daughters had their eyes on him.

But since it didn't work out, Duan Jin naturally wouldn't gossip. He just laughed it off coyly.

Then said, "I've got snacks in my room, let's eat."

His friend said, "We've got wine in our room."

But Duan Jin declined, "We're setting off tomorrow."

And admonished in a serious tone, "A few of you are going too right? Don't drink then."

He was younger than them but had more status. Even the housekeeper deferred to him, so the others didn't dare disobey. They didn't drink but went to get tidbits from Duan Jin's room and gathered in the yard.

Soon, those still awake in the other rooms sauntered out as well, each bringing their own snacks and chilled tea. The residents of the courtyard congregated together to enjoy the cool night breeze, moonlight, and exchange silly jokes and dubious gossip.

The older ones nagged Duan Jin, "It's time you got married."

Duan Jin laughed, "I'm not getting married now. I'll wait until I've made my name and fortune, then I'll marry myself a rich man's daughter."

His friends snorted with laughter and jeered at him.

Some couldn't help sighing wistfully, "We'll never have Master Zhao's good fortune."

The smile faded from Duan Jin's face. He lifted his cup and gulped down a mouthful of chilled tea.

That year he had still been young, knowing only that Ye Suijin needed a husband, that this husband would share her bed. She said this would be good for her, would keep her from restlessness.

Zhao Jingwen cut a fine, upstanding figure, much better than the others who'd mounted the stage before him.

Duan Jin still didn't grasp what Ye Suijin's beauty meant to a man. He simply felt those previous men were too ugly, and didn't look right standing next to her.

He was glad Zhao Jingwen was so handsome.

By the time Duan Jin had grown taller even than Ye Suijin, nearing Zhao Jingwen's height, he understood everything. Lying awake at night afterwards, he would pound his bed in frustration.

Three years. If only he'd been three years older, he could have kicked Zhao Jingwen off that stage.

But time hadn't waited for him. Ye Suijin hadn't waited for him to grow up.

Duan Jin sat on a little bamboo chair, resting his feet on the stone weights the men used for strength training in the yard. Tilting back in his chair, he craned his head back, counting the stars.

One, two, three...

Four, five, six...

The moon was only one, but the stars were countless.

A man could have one wife, yet often took many concubines.

Why couldn't a woman do the same? Even married to Zhao Jingwen, why couldn't the mistress take a few more young, handsome, fit men into her chambers as well? Men could do it, after all.

Duan Jin seethed with frustration, but he knew better than to voice these thoughts aloud. It would damage the mistress's reputation.

He gazed up at the night sky, lost in melancholy.

Not until the others all got up, saying, "Time for bed, we're setting off tomorrow," did Duan Jin come back to himself.

"Ah Jin, you're bearing the banner tomorrow. Go and rest."

Dark figures dispersed, each returning to their own quarters. They daydreamed of accompanying the mistress's family on their campaign, achieving great wealth and status.

The next day, the eight hundred strong party assembled.

The Ye family stronghold had always had its own troops, but their numbers had never been so great as this. After the Xuanhua army disbanded, the Ye family stronghold absorbed some of their men for assisting in suppressing the mutiny. From then on, Ye Suijin's father consciously began expanding, recruiting more people, which led to today's forces, the strongest in Dengzhou.

Even so, it was rare for the Ye family stronghold to rally so many at once.

Cavalry, infantry, pikemen, archers - though in name they were the household guards, in truth they constituted a complete army.

The Ye scions and retainers, the officers among the troops, all wore leather armour. The common soldiers also had uniform dark green shirts and black pants. All eight hundred men were dressed alike.

In the sunlight, with the cold gleam flashing from their blades, the strong horses and men, the force was a mass of black crows. The snorts of the horses, the thunder of their hooves and the occasional metallic clash of blades and shields inspired an imposing, oppressive aura.

Even the Ye family members were struck for the first time by the stark realization of the stronghold's might, and could not help but marvel at it.

Pride swelled in their hearts.

Among them all, only Ye Suijin pursed her lips.


Truly, the weapons and armour of the Ye family forces before her were far too shabby and wretched by her standards, lacking in both quantity and quality. They did not meet her eyes at all.

Ye Suijin couldn't help but sigh.

Easy in, hard out, as the ancients said. How true!

"My lady," said Zhao Jingwen, wearing his leather armour at her side. "My lads are so mighty. Why sigh instead of rejoicing?"

He too wore leather armour over a dark green shirt. Handsome and spirited, he stayed right by Ye Suijin as if he were her shadow.

The people of the stronghold were long used to it. No matter what, even if Ye Suijin appointed troops and officers without naming Zhao Jingwen, his presence came as no surprise. It even seemed right, somehow.

Ye Suijin's mouth quirked. Naturally she could not share her thoughts with anyone. She only said, "We've still a long way to go."

Until Duan Jin came dashing over to report, "Mistress, the troops are assembled. Please give the order to move out."

The sunlight shone on the boy's leather armour too.

As if Zhao Jingwen would have armour when even Duan Jin did not. Ye Suijin would never have neglected to outfit her page in armour.

The lean, vigorous youth had bright, shining eyes.

Seeing him, Ye Suijin finally cheered up.

"Very well," she gave Fourth Uncle Ye and Mr. Yang final instructions before departure. "I'll certainly be back by the fifth. Everything is to proceed according to plan."

After seeing his sons' awe today, Fourth Uncle Ye suddenly felt Ye Suijin's arrogance might not be groundless after all.

He nodded. "I'll be here."

Mr. Yang saluted her. "You will certainly return safe and sound, my lady. We await your triumphant news at home."

Ye Suijin smiled. She turned and surveyed the entire army, then leaped onto her horse, taking up the reins and riding to the fore.

"You are all familiar with Fangcheng. Many of you have been there before. But you only remember its former prosperity, unaware of its current state. What you see there now may shock you. Such disorder is the way of the world in these chaotic times.

"As long as the Ye family stronghold stands in Dengzhou, we will not share Fangcheng's fate. Yet some resent us for this. Fangcheng's brigands have allied themselves with others, intending to topple my house and seize our place."

"My lads!" Ye Suijin roared, "Can the Ye family stronghold be bullied so?"

Eight hundred voices answered as one, "Never!"

Their bold, resounding voices fused into a single force, piercing the clouds. The onlookers froze, ears pounding, hearts shaken by the impact. Some women covered their children's ears in fright, yet the children still screamed and cried from the shock.

Ye Suijin's horse reared, whinnying in alarm!

Yet Ye Suijin kept her seat firmly in the saddle, reining in her mount as steady as a mountain. Before the crowd, she displayed such consummate horsemanship that, though a woman, she compelled belief and deference.

"In Fangcheng, all who bear arms are guilty!" she declared. "We will show no mercy to those who carry blades and wear armour!"

Gasps rippled through the crowd, followed by murmurs.

Third Son Ye suddenly shouted, "Fangcheng has no people left, only beasts! Slay them all!"

Third Son Ye was known for his steady, honest nature. Though all had heard something of Fangcheng, they'd thought themselves uninvolved, listening and sighing over occasional stories then dismissing it from mind. To see Third Son Ye speak of Fangcheng with such resentment and rage brought those terrible, tragic tales to mind once more.

If even the good-natured, loyal Third Son Ye deemed Fangcheng beyond mercy, then...then perhaps those people did deserve death after all.

From on high, Ye Suijin looked coldly down. "Some of you are veterans of Xuanhua. You may encounter old comrades there. But those you knew are gone, unrecognizable beasts, less than human. If you cannot bear to raise your hand, step forward now. You need not be soldiers. The Ye family stronghold is a place of peace where an honest living may be made. As long as you do right, you will not starve here."

Abruptly, a man broke ranks and stepped out. "My lady, be at ease. When we came to the Ye family stronghold, it was to turn from banditry and break all ties with those people. Today we are soldiers and they are bandits, we are righteous and they vile. My lady, we heed your orders. Those deserving of death will find no mercy from us lads!"

At once many voices echoed him. These men were scattered among the units -

The infantry beat their swords on shields, the pikemen stamped their long spears against the earth, the archers slapped their quivers with their short swords.

"No mercy!"

Then those not of Xuanhua's former army took up the cry with them: "No mercy!"

The cold menace in the metallic clang of blades and shields raised goosebumps.

Only now was Ye Suijin finally a little satisfied.

The Ye forces before her had finally gained some glimmer of the bearing they would later assume.

"Ah Jin, transmit my orders."

Duan Jin leaped onto his horse. A banner bearing the character 叶 (Ye) flew from his saddle.

He was Ye Suijin's standard bearer.

Where that banner went, the soldiers would follow.

Whenever Ye Suijin went touring, Duan Jin bore her banner, though that time she had brought only a hundred lightly armed men, without even spears.

Now the officers wore full armour and the troops marched in formation, rows and columns.

All eyes were fixed on Duan Jin.

Gripping the banner pole, he took a deep breath -

"Relay orders!"

"The army will..."

"Move out!"

The sound of hooves and the friction of armor rose neatly.

Ye Suijin's hair stood on end again.

He didn't know if it was fear or excitement.

But he clearly realized—the Ye family army marched out of Dengzhou for the first time!