Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 48

Yun Xiaoxiao and her companions teleported back just in time to witness the scene.

Yun Xiaoxiao's expression remained unchanged.

Evil people getting their just deserts - wasn't that normal?

Nie Yizhou scoffed, "Tch~ He died too quickly. It's too easy for him. He should have been left up there longer, enduring both mental and physical torture before dying."

Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at him.

This guy was indeed as vengeful as he had been in his previous life.

"I need to eat some chips to calm my nerves," Nie Yizhou said, pouting as he went to fetch some snacks.

"Oh no, this packet has expired!" he wailed dramatically.

"How did it expire so suddenly? No matter, even if it's past its expiration date, I must eat it. Waste is shameful! Getting an upset stomach is better than starving to death. There are still so many people without food."

Nie Yizhou carefully opened the packaging and tossed a chip into his mouth with reverence.

"I won't let you have any, though. If you want something to eat, get it yourself. Children have delicate digestive systems, so I'll eat these expired ones myself."

Yun Xiaoxiao chuckled lightly, "I didn't expect you to be such a nice person."

"Of course I am. Haven't you heard my nickname?" Nie Yizhou said proudly.

Yun Xiaoxiao was curious, "What is it?"

"Nice Guy! Every time I confess to a girl, they always give me the title of 'Nice Guy'."

Yun Xiaoxiao's eyebrow twitched slightly.

Was that really something to be proud of?

If she remembered correctly, in the TV dramas she had watched, girls would reject guys by saying, "You're a nice guy, but we're not compatible."

The fact that he got this title meant he had probably been rejected by many people.

This guy sure had a big heart.

However, his words did remind her of something.

Food does expire!

There should still be a lot of supplies left in Rong City, especially snacks and grains that couldn't be processed or produced anymore.

If they were left untouched, they might become inedible before they could serve their intended purpose.

That would be true waste!

Her spatial ability had a preserving effect. If she put all these supplies in there, wouldn't that prevent them from being wasted?

Lost in thought, Yun Xiaoxiao didn't eat much that night before going to bed.

Although she didn't think Nie Yizhou would do anything to her, she still remained vigilant while sleeping.

Letting your guard down around strangers was being irresponsible to yourself.

She wouldn't make such a basic mistake.

That Li Yan had shared hardships and spent day and night with his teammates, yet he still stabbed them in the back, causing their deaths at a critical moment.

It never hurt to be cautious.

The night passed peacefully.

Yun Xiaoxiao woke up at the crack of dawn the next day.

She glanced at the still-sleeping Nie Yizhou, got up quietly, and gently opened the door to leave.

This floor only had one company, and the elevator was right outside the door.

However, the elevator was now just a decoration, no longer functional.

Yun Xiaoxiao frowned as she looked at the stairwell locked with chains.

Then she turned her gaze to the nearby window.

Her lips curled into a slight smile as she extended her palm, shooting out a vine that hooked onto the windowsill. Then, stepping on the wall, she leaped up in one bound.

After climbing through the window, she looked down at the ground about twenty meters below without any hesitation and jumped.

The vine from her right palm continued to extend rapidly as her body descended swiftly.

A few seconds later, she landed steadily on the ground.

After a night, the horde of zombies on this street had disappeared.

Only a few scattered zombies remained, wandering aimlessly.

As soon as Yun Xiaoxiao landed, the zombies nearest to her heard the sound and turned their heads towards her in unison.

She swiftly grabbed her spear and moved quickly among them.

In no time, seven zombie corpses lay on the ground.

After finding a crystal core from among them, Yun Xiaoxiao immediately left.

She walked along, killing zombies as she went.

She didn't enter the small supermarkets and convenience stores along the way.

Although she wanted to collect supplies, she had no intention of completely cutting off the survival routes for ordinary people.

If she was going to take anything, she would go directly to large shopping malls, factories, industrial parks, logistics centers, and similar places.

These places had many zombies, making it difficult for ordinary people to enter.

She could take what she earned through her own abilities with a clear conscience.

However, except for food and drink.

For other items, she had no reservations about taking them.

An entire IKEA, all taken!

An entire air conditioning store, all taken!

An entire library, all taken!

An entire flower shop, all taken!


After bustling about for most of the day, Yun Xiaoxiao had swept through two streets.

As Yun Xiaoxiao was sitting in a bubble tea shop resting, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

[Ding! Congratulations, host, you have killed 1,000 zombies and completed this mission!

Reward: One super city wall!

Reward: One set of automatic scumbag detection panels!]

As soon as the system's voice faded, Yun Xiaoxiao noticed a large city wall had appeared on the empty space in her spatial domain.

It was 100 meters high, rectangular in shape, with black walls that were very thick.

The area it enclosed was vast, as large as a university town.

The city gate was built majestic and towering, exuding an imposing aura.

Overall, it looked like an ancient city wall.

Yun Xiaoxiao immediately flashed into her spatial domain.

Standing in front of the tall city gate, her face was full of surprise.

"So this is what you meant by a super city wall. It's indeed impressive.

But... I have a question. Even if this city wall is as impregnable as you say, able to withstand the strongest attacks from high-level zombies and assaults from millions of zombie armies, it's still only inside the spatial domain. There are no zombies in here, so isn't this like taking off your pants to fart - completely pointless?"

[Host, once the entire city is built, it can be packaged and moved outside the spatial domain as a whole.]

Yun Xiaoxiao: !!

It can do that?!

"Then where will it be moved to outside?"

[That's for you to decide freely. It can be placed wherever you want. It will directly cover the original terrain, even flattening mountains if necessary. So, don't worry.]

Yun Xiaoxiao: !!

This cheat code is amazing!

"Does it have to be completely built before it can be moved outside? Can't it be moved out now?"

[Yes, that's correct.]

"What counts as being completely built?"

[Don't rush, host. As long as you complete each subsequent task, I believe it will be built quickly.]

Yun Xiaoxiao chuckled twice, thinking that was as good as saying nothing.

She was about to ask what the scumbag detection panel was when she suddenly sensed someone approaching outside the spatial domain.

She focused her attention outward and discovered it was actually someone familiar.

He had actually followed her!

"Huh? She was just here a moment ago. Where did she suddenly disappear to?" Nie Yizhou looked behind the bubble tea shop counter and under the tables, just short of checking the cash register.

As he was turning back in confusion, the next second, his neck was wrapped by a vine.

Feeling the vine constantly tightening, his face turned pale with fright.

"Whoa, kid, don't be rash! Let's talk this out. Quick, put the knife away. Stabbing is no joke!"

"Do you think I would spare someone who knows my secret?" Yun Xiaoxiao's voice was cold.

The fact that Nie Yizhou could find this place proved that he must have been following her in secret earlier.

In other words, he must have discovered the secret of her spatial ability.

Therefore, he had to die!

"I swear I'll keep my mouth shut. I won't breathe a word about it even if you kill me!" Nie Yizhou immediately vowed.

But Yun Xiaoxiao had no intention of letting him go.

Anyone can make promises.

Sometimes bad people can make even prettier promises than good people.

But you can never truly know what's in someone's heart. She wouldn't gamble on this!

[Ding! Scumbag detection panel activated!]

With a prompt sound, an invisible panel appeared before Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes.

It displayed rows of information.

[Name: Nie Yizhou!

Age: Nineteen years old!

Ability: Mutated spatial system ability! Olfactory ability!

Ability level: Level 1 beginner, usage effect unstable!

Goodness level: 70%

Intimacy level: 90%]

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at this information in disbelief.

So this was the scumbag detection panel.

However, while she could understand most of the information, what did the last item, intimacy level, mean?

[Host, the intimacy level represents this person's degree of affection for you, with a full score of 100% and a minimum score of -100%]

Yun Xiaoxiao was somewhat startled.

She hadn't expected this person's intimacy level towards her to be 90%, even when she was holding a knife to kill him.

She frowned slightly and withdrew the vine.

"Cough cough cough..."

As his neck loosened, Nie Yizhou suddenly came back to life.

He gasped for air, taking deep breaths.

Just then, a flash of lightning struck outside, accompanied by the sound of intense fighting.

Yun Xiaoxiao immediately looked towards the outside, her eyes lighting up.

Lightning ability!

Big brother!

Her heart raced as she rushed out, her steps swift as flight, unable to contain her eagerness!

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day to my dear little darlings! Since it's a holiday today, I've updated early. Also, this book is in its early stages and really needs your support. Currently, there are too few comments, and it doesn't even have a rating yet. If you think the book is alright, please give it a five-star review. If you have any opinions about the book, you can also leave a message to let me know. I'll make reasonable changes. Love you all, and hope everyone enjoys the holiday!)