Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 47

At the moment the tremendous collision sound rang out, Yun Xiaoxiao was already gazing downward.

After the first car was engulfed by the zombie horde,

The second car quickly fishtailed, coming to a stop at the side of the road.

The front of the car was facing directly towards the wall of the building opposite them.

The doors of the driver's seat and front passenger seat opened simultaneously, and two figures quickly exited the vehicle.

Upon seeing their appearance clearly, a flicker of surprise flashed in Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Weren't these Li Yan and another man from their team?

What were they doing here?

Downstairs, Li Yan and the other person swiftly ran towards the high-rise building by the roadside.

Behind them, a dense swarm of zombies, like monsters released from their cages, opened their blood-filled mouths wide and clawed at them with flailing arms.

"Damn it!"

Li Yan cursed under his breath as he ran, looking back to see the zombies about to catch up.

Just then, his gaze suddenly drifted to his companion who was closely following him.

His eyes suddenly darkened, a flash of viciousness passing through them.

"Don't blame me, I have no choice."

Li Yan muttered, lifting his foot to deliver a vicious kick to his teammate's lower abdomen.

The man immediately collapsed to the ground in pain.

Seizing this opportunity, Li Yan turned and sprinted forward.

The moment he took off running, several of the fastest zombies pounced on the man on the ground.

They pressed down on the man, constantly gnawing and tearing at his flesh with their sharp teeth and claws.


A heart-wrenching scream tore through the sky.

But Li Yan didn't even look back, running in one breath to the wall's edge, then continuously climbing up along an external wall pipe.

"Fuck! That guy is such a scumbag! Just to save his own life, he abandoned his teammate to block the zombies!"

Witnessing this scene, Nie Yizhou immediately started cursing.

He stood with his hands on his hips, filled with righteous indignation.

"Heartless! Ruthless! Shameless! Morally corrupt! Utterly inhumane!"

"Hahaha, kid, look! That guy's retribution is coming!"

As Nie Yizhou was cursing, he suddenly pointed at the opposite building, gloating.

"That building is full of zombies. Even if he climbs up there, it's still a dead end. Now, whether he goes up or down, he's dead either way. What's he going to do?

Hahaha, what's that saying?

Evil deeds will eventually bring about self-destruction!

That phrase fits him perfectly!"

"Are you done? If you're finished, could you help me with something?"

"What is it? Tell me."

"I want to go to the roof of that big truck. Can you take me there?"

Yun Xiaoxiao said, pointing to a large truck behind them.

Nie Yizhou looked puzzled, "What are you going to do there?"

Yun Xiaoxiao's gaze narrowed, "To find someone."

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Nie Yizhou patted his chest confidently.

Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at him sideways, a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Can I trust you?" she asked.

Nie Yizhou smiled and scratched the back of his head, "I think... probably."

Yun Xiaoxiao: ......

A minute later, the two appeared on the roof of the big truck behind them.

This time, Nie Yizhou was fairly reliable, and nothing unexpected happened.

As soon as they appeared, the zombies on the ground immediately became frenzied.

They waved their arms, baring their teeth and lunging towards the truck.

Nie Yizhou shrank his neck, moving towards the center of the truck's roof, and then started chatting with the zombies.

"Tsk tsk, look at you, you've lost all your teeth. Stop roaring aimlessly, even if I gave you meat, you couldn't chew it anymore. Why bother? Wouldn't it be better to save your energy? Don't think this makes you stand out from the crowd. Even humans don't always need to fit in, let alone a zombie. Take a rest, old man."

"And you, tsk tsk, you're in such a pitiful state. How did you get your eyeballs gouged out? Can you even see where you're going?"

"Oh my, big brother, you're really persevering despite your disabilities. Both your legs are gone, yet you're still crawling this way? Be careful, you might get trampled by your comrades."

"Hey, I must say, being a zombie seems quite tough. Twenty-four hours a day, never resting, even more of a grind than being a corporate slave. But don't worry, I won't be joining your ranks. Let's just mind our own business, shall we?"

Listening to Nie Yizhou's chatter, Yun Xiaoxiao's forehead throbbed with pain.

Would this guy even chat with ants on the roadside if he came across them?

He talks way too much!

Her lips twitched as she walked to the front of the truck and placed fish tied with rope at both side windows.

These fish were the goldfish from Nie Yizhou's room.

Without exception, both sides quickly erupted with zombie howls, and zombie heads appeared.

Yun Xiaoxiao pulled up the fish and furrowed her brows.

She recognized these two people: one was called Zhu Jing, and the other was the tall, thin man.

Which meant that in these two vehicles, there were only four of them.

So where was Mu Yang?

"Little friend! It's you! I'm so glad to see you, please come save me quickly!"

Suddenly, a shout rang out from not far away.

Yun Xiaoxiao looked towards the source of the voice.

She saw Li Yan, clinging to the pipe, looking at her with an excited expression.

He looked as if he had just seen his savior.

"Where's Brother Mu Yang?" Yun Xiaoxiao asked in response.

Hearing this, Li Yan's eyes flickered for a moment, then he tilted his head back with a fake smile.

"Mu Yang? After we separated, we all went to gather supplies together, but maybe Mu Yang thought we were a burden and didn't want to stay with me.

He loaded up a whole truck full of supplies by himself and left. He didn't even say goodbye when he left. We were heartbroken about it for a long time."

After hearing this, the corner of Yun Xiaoxiao's lips curled into an involuntary cold smile.

This man's words were pure nonsense!

Although their time together wasn't long, she understood Mu Yang's character quite well.

He would absolutely never do the things Li Yan described.

This Li Yan spoke without thinking, daring to lie to her face!

She had long ago noticed Li Yan's jealousy towards Mu Yang, which was why she had warned Mu Yang to be careful of those around him when they parted.

But judging from the current situation, it seemed Mu Yang had still fallen victim to Li Yan's schemes.

"Little friend, I know you have abilities. Please save me quickly!"

Li Yan was still shouting loudly from over there.

"Kid, do you know him?"

Nie Yizhou walked to Yun Xiaoxiao's side and asked in surprise, looking at Li Yan.

Yun Xiaoxiao shook her head, "I don't know him. Let's go back."

How could she possibly save Li Yan?

Did she seem like the kind of person who was that kindhearted?

Nie Yizhou chuckled, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted at Li Yan.

"You got your own teammate killed and now you want others to save you? Your face is so thick, why don't you just fly to the sky? You've failed at being human, but you sure have grand delusions."

After finishing his taunt, he put his hand on Yun Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

The next second, the two vanished from the truck's roof.

Staring at the empty truck top, Li Yan was in a daze for a long while before coming back to his senses.

By this time, a zombie had fallen from above, landing right on top of him.

His head spun and his hand went numb, causing him to lose his grip and fall.

He crashed onto several zombies below, but quickly, even more zombies pounced on him.


His screams had barely begun before they were swallowed up.

He didn't even have time to turn into a zombie before he was gnawed down to just a skeleton.