Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 43

At the onset of the apocalypse, he was being chased by zombies.

Just as they were about to catch up, Li Yan drove his car into the zombie, killing it.

He opened the car door and hurriedly got in.

Li Yan then drove him to a safe place.

After that, he started treating Li Yan like an older brother.

No matter what Li Yan said or did, even if it seemed dangerous, he would find a way to carry it out.

But gradually, he began to sense Li Yan's dissatisfaction with him.

This dissatisfaction seemed to be mixed with a hint of jealousy.

However, he had never harbored any thoughts of being the leader.

So he thought that time would prove everything, and he didn't need to explain himself; the other person would slowly understand.

But... in the end, it was only him who thought this way.

Time passed by, bit by bit.

And some people, as they walked along, drifted apart.

If that's how it is, then there's no need to force it.

There's not much point in forcibly keeping incompatible people together. It's better to spend that time finding like-minded individuals to enjoy life with.

Having come to terms with everything, Mu Yang no longer dwelled on it. He looked at the warehouse and began to think of ways to get out.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Yun Xiaoxiao had also encountered a major problem.

While she and Little Cutie were killing zombies on the street, they suddenly encountered a strength-type mutant zombie!

Previously, everyone thought it was her who had kicked open the hotel's main door with one foot, but that wasn't the case.

She had only run over because she saw a large crack in the glass door.

If it weren't for that big crack, how could her slender legs have possibly kicked it open?

Although her bones and physique had greatly improved due to the spirit spring water and crystal cores, surpassing even that of average adults, she wasn't strong enough to shatter a thick piece of glass with one kick.

It's worth noting that strength was her weakest attribute!

And this time, she encountered a strength-type mutant zombie that was nearly two meters tall, weighing around two hundred pounds. Just standing there, it looked like a small mountain.

Visually, it gave off a strong sense of intimidation.

Most importantly, this zombie must have practiced wrestling and martial arts before, as its agility was surprisingly good.

Several times when Yun Xiaoxiao tried to attack it with vines, it managed to dodge.

Standing next to it, Yun Xiaoxiao looked like a weak, innocent little rabbit, while it resembled a hulking King Kong.

The contrast between big and small created a striking visual!

Looking at the behemoth before her, the fighting spirit in Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes was fully ignited.

She controlled the vines, constantly attacking the hulking zombie's head.

The vines moved at extreme speed, like flying snakes, shooting straight out with a fierce momentum towards the hulking zombie.

However, the hulking zombie grabbed the vines and yanked hard.

Yun Xiaoxiao stumbled, nearly being pulled over.

Luckily, she let go in time.

The green vines instantly vanished.

She drew the dagger from her waist, narrowing her eyes and staring directly at the hulking zombie charging towards her, a dangerous glint in her gaze.

With her slightly bent posture, she looked like a little lioness eyeing its prey, full of aggression!

Just as the hulking zombie was about to reach her, she moved!

With a big slide, she swiftly passed under the zombie's feet.

Her hand flicked, and another vine shot out, quickly wrapping around the hulking zombie's neck.

Yun Xiaoxiao tightened the vine, stepping on the zombie's hind legs and continuously climbing up.

Standing on the giant's shoulders, she raised her dagger, aimed at the center of its head, and stabbed down fiercely.

The hulking zombie immediately became frenzied.

It roared madly, twisting its entire body with bull-like strength.

Yun Xiaoxiao desperately tried to maintain her balance.

Seeing that the zombie wasn't dead yet, she took out her red-tasseled spear.

From back to front, she thrust it in hard!

Instantly, the hulking zombie let out a sky-piercing roar, its body swaying to a new height, and Yun Xiaoxiao was actually flung off!


The expected pain didn't come.

The surface beneath her was soft, as if there was a fluffy cushion, and this cushion even radiated a bit of warmth.

"Ouch! Why am I always the unlucky one!"

"Damn it, who's crushing me? Get off quickly!"

From below, a voice cursing and grumbling could be heard.

Yun Xiaoxiao was stunned. No wonder it didn't hurt; there was a human cushion.

She rubbed her nose and rolled off.

Nie Yizhou was about to explode in anger, but when he got up and looked, he found it was just a little pipsqueak. He looked around in confusion.

"Kid, did you see who crushed me?"

Yun Xiaoxiao calmly shook her head, "Didn't see anyone."

Nie Yizhou narrowed his eyes at her.

"Kid, lying will make your nose grow long, hey, don't walk away, I'm not done talking!"

Just as Nie Yizhou wanted to continue chattering, he found the little rascal walking towards the other side of the street without looking back.

He patted the dust off his body, silently grumbling.

What rotten luck, every time he teleported, strange things would happen.

For instance, last time.

He had just teleported and ended up right next to the mouth of a ferocious zombie.

Oh my goodness, he was nearly scared out of his wits.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and teleported away again.

Otherwise, he would have been swallowed whole by that zombie.

And the time before that, he teleported right into a bathroom.

Inside, there was an Old Lady using the toilet.

Instantly, their eyes met.

He looked at her, she looked at him, neither said a word, the scene extremely awkward.

In the end, the Old Lady shouted that he was a pervert and started hitting him hard with the toilet brush.

The worst part was, when he tried to teleport away, this strange ability of his suddenly failed!

So, by the time he escaped, he still reeked of excrement.

It was beyond frustrating!

And the time before that, a man and a woman were in the middle of an intimate 'conversation' when he appeared.

The woman screamed and called him a pervert, while the man grabbed a stick and chased after him.

That scene was utter chaos.

And the time before that...

Ah, forget it, there were too many incidents.

Talking about it only brings tears.

He followed Yun Xiaoxiao and discovered a brave Scorpion on one side of the street, killing zombies.

He widened his eyes in shock.

"My goodness, did this Scorpion take growth hormones? How is it so big?!

Moreover, it can actually kill zombies, and with pinpoint accuracy. It's terrifying... absolutely terrifying!"

He turned his head and saw Yun Xiaoxiao jump onto the back of a fallen hulking zombie, then step on its head while pulling out a long spear.

As she pulled it out, she poked around inside the zombie's head for a while.

Finally, an orange crystal-like object covered in thick, sticky fluid rolled out of the zombie's head.

"Huh, what's that? How can there be such a thing inside a zombie's head?"

Nie Yizhou curiously wanted to step forward for a closer look.

However, Yun Xiaoxiao quickly took out a tissue, wrapped the object, and put it in her backpack.

"Hey, don't be so stingy, I just want to take a look, I'm not asking for it. Didn't I not make a fuss about you crushing me earlier?"

Yun Xiaoxiao turned her head and gave him a once-over.

"Did I ask you to suddenly appear beneath me? I haven't even complained about you being too bony and hurting me."

Nie Yizhou: ???

Are all kids nowadays this sharp-tongued?

This skill of turning the tables, impressive indeed!