Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 39

"But we can't all die with you, can we?"

Ye Lingwei persisted in her argument.

The woman defended herself anxiously, "I've already told you, this isn't a scratch wound from a zombie."

She extended her hand.

"Look, I'm not lying to you."

Ye Lingwei didn’t even want to look.

She crossed her arms, "Scrapes and scratches look a lot alike, we can't be sure this isn't from a zombie."

With that, she moved to drag the woman towards the staircase.

"It really isn't a wound from a zombie."

Suddenly, a childish voice rang out.

Ye Lingwei raised an eyebrow, it’s this annoying child again!

Why is she so annoying!

"What do you know, you're just a kid! Stop causing trouble!" Ye Lingwei glared at Yun Xiaoxiao.

"Auntie, you're much older than me, aren’t you more likely to cause trouble?"

Yun Xiaoxiao blinked innocently.

But the words she spoke could make someone furious.

The expression on Ye Lingwei's face gradually crumbled.


She wasn't that old!

And the child was accusing her of causing trouble!

How dare she!

"You say it's not a zombie scratch. Can you take responsibility if she turns into a zombie?!"

Ye Lingwei challenged her with great momentum.

Her eyes seemed to bore holes into Yun Xiaoxiao.

"Actually, I also think Zhu Jing's hand is not a problem."

A tall, thin man who had been unhappy with Ye Lingwei suddenly spoke up.

He had long been displeased with Ye Lingwei's domineering behavior in the team because of Mu Yang.

Earlier, because of Ye Lingwei, his partner Ah He had become separated from the group. Now, he loathed Ye Lingwei even more.

Moreover, in his opinion, the wound really didn't look like a scratch.

Hearing this man's words, Ye Lingwei’s face darkened.

They were all against her!

"Alright, now isn't the time for internal disputes. We need to figure out how to leave this building."

Seeing the horde of zombies surging towards the hotel entrance from below, Mu Yang’s brow furrowed.

Ye Lingwei bit her lip hard, her blood boiling with anger.

Mu Yang is still defending that stinky kid!

“Mu Yang is right. we need to figure out a way to leave here quickly, in case those zombies all run up here.

Staying here is not an option — if we run out of food, we'll have no choice but to die.”

One of the boys with short hair thoroughly agreed with Mu Yang's idea.

Others also nodded.

“Yes, absolutely.”

“Mu Yang, what do you think we should do?”

Everyone seemed to trust Mu Yang.

They gathered around him, hoping he would make a decision.

At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten.

Their team leader, Li Yan, was still standing behind them.

Unnoticeably, Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at Li Yan who was standing behind several people, the corners of her lips slowly lifted.

Interesting. Just now, jealousy flashed in Li Yan's eyes, so intense it seemed it could explode at any time.

But in just a second, it disappeared without a trace.

If she hadn't seen it clearly, she might have thought she had hallucinated.

This team had plenty of 'hidden dragons and crouching tigers.'

"There's a water pipe here that leads directly to the ground floor. It's right behind the hotel's main entrance. As long as we follow this water pipe down, we can safely reach the ground."

Mu Yang pointed at a white water pipe on the outer wall.

"No, no!"

Ye Lingwei immediately objected.

"If we climbed down like this, and the pipe's quality is poor, or it's been neglected for a long time, we could step into thin air and fall straight down, right?"

Though everyone had some disagreements with Ye Lingwei, her point was reasonable at this moment.

They all nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Mu Yang furrowed his brows.

"There's only one way then."

"What way?"

"I'll condense a metal path, and you walk on it to get to that building."

Mu Yang pointed to a building behind the hotel.

"If I remember correctly, that should be a museum, and the number of zombies inside should not be too many."

The height of that building was about the same as theirs.

The distance wasn't too far, just the width of a small alley.

But this distance seemed like an insurmountable chasm for ordinary people.

Looking at the height from the bottom of the building, everyone started to worry again.

"You mean we have to walk on a tightrope in the air? If there's some sort of accident and we fall, we'll probably be broken to pieces. Isn't there a safer way?"

Li Yan voiced everyone's worry.

"There isn't," said Mu Yang in a deep voice.

Given his powers, condensing a small metallic path was already his limit.

Off to the side, Yun Xiaoxiao leaned against the wall, resting one foot against its base, and burst into laughter.

"Hey, what are you laughing about in such a serious moment?"

Ye Lingwei frowned.

Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at her dismissively, and then looked at the others.

Then, she squinted and chuckled.

"Aunties and uncles, you're scared of this and that, why don't you come up with your own solutions? If there's no solution and someone else comes up with one, you complain that it won't work. People unaware might think you all are some kind of deities. Others should consider everything for you and it should be foolproof. With such skills, why not ascend to the heavens to become immortals?"

Everyone's face turned red, stung by Yun Xiaoxiao's blunt words.

It's not that people are afraid of being criticized, it's the undeniable truth in those words that hurts.

Especially when they're coming from a child.

People say, children are the most honest.

For a moment, everyone wished they could crawl into a hole in the ground.

Mu Yang nearby almost couldn't hold his laughter.

He balled his hand into a fist against his mouth, preventing himself from laughing out loud.

This little one, when she mocks others, it really is quite entertaining.

To alleviate everyone’s fears, Mu Yang took the lead in condensing a small metallic path.

It looked like a golden metal plate, spanning between the rooftops of two buildings.

Although it wasn't particularly wide, if someone walked on it carefully, there shouldn't be a problem.

It was simply that standing on it, overlooking from such a height, and swaying with the wind, gave a feeling of insecurity.

"I think this is more reliable than climbing pipes."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Then let's choose this."

But Mu Yang still reminded them.

"My powers are limited, so get across quickly. Don’t hesitate or loiter on it, otherwise, when my power is insufficient to support it, it will be very dangerous."

"Okay, we got it!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Alright, each of you can come up now, one by one."

"I'll go first!"

Ye Lingwei rushed to be the first one.

She wanted to announce to everyone, especially that little brat, that she was not a scaredy-cat!

She climbed up the wall, slowly moved onto the metallic pathway, and then, trembling slightly, stood straight. Taking a deep breath, she began to venture forward, careful not to lift her feet too high.

She was simply too terrified to do so.

She feared instability and falling off.

Despite her tremendous efforts to control it, the empty space on both sides and the high distance from the ground made her body involuntarily shiver.

When she had walked about two or three meters, Mu Yang called out for Yun Xiaoxiao.

"Lil' one, it's your turn."