My Dad is My Mom’s Mortal Enemy

Chapter 34

Cheng Jinlan had been a little worried at first, though she didn’t know what exactly she was worried about. After observing for a few days, she realized he didn’t live on this side very often - only coming by occasionally, and even then he would leave early and come home late, driving a different car than his usual one. The person seen most frequently coming and going from his home was the auntie who came to deliver kites. The neighbors just took Cheng Jinlan to be a new resident, and even Cheng LiQi didn’t know he lived next door.

These past couple days, Cheng LiQi had been sneaking off mysteriously right after getting out of school. She would hide away in her private little room for a whole hour, not letting anyone else come in. She thought she was being covert, but Cheng Jinlan knew she was making a birthday present for her. Still, she played along as if she were very curious about her daughter's little secret but couldn’t find out a single clue about it, acting quite regretful.

Cheng LiQi reassured her mother, counting off on her little fingers, "Don't worry, Mom, there's only four more days until you find out what my secret is!" She stuck out her little belly, quite proud. "I've prepared a surprise for Mom, and a surprise for Grandma too."

There were only four more days until Cheng Jinlan's birthday. Ever since she was old enough to understand anything, Cheng LiQi had prepared two gifts every year for her mother's birthday - one for her mother, and one for her grandmother.

Cheng Jinlan smiled. "Grandma and Mom are really looking forward to our little watermelon's surprise!"

Cheng LiQi didn't understand. She blinked her thick, curly lashes in confusion and asked, "Mom, I'm little LiQi. Why are you calling me little watermelon?"

Cheng Jinlan felt her round little belly. "Because your tummy now looks just like a little watermelon. Come on, let Mom see if our little watermelon is ripe yet?"

Cheng LiQi giggled and snuggled into her mother's embrace, not letting her feel any more. Granny Qu's cooking was so delicious that she had drank two whole bowls of porridge tonight, and her little tummy was about to burst. After piano practice, Cheng LiQi pulled her mother to walk around the yard, wanting to walk off her watermelon belly.

Today's weather was exceptionally hot. Even after the sun had set below the mountains and night fell, the sultry air remained when the evening breeze blew by, refusing to disperse. They hadn't walked long before Cheng LiQi's forehead was beaded with sweat. Cheng Jinlan used her hand as a fan, lightly fanning her daughter. "Sweetheart, let's go back inside, okay? It's too hot out today."

Cheng LiQi nodded, copying her mother fanning her too. "Okay, Mom, let's go back in. I'm really hot too."

When Cheng Jinlan moved to pick her up, Cheng LiQi didn't want her mother carrying her. Her mother was sweaty too, and holding her would make her sweat more. She could walk by herself.

Cheng Jinlan squeezed her little hand. "Good girl."

Cheng LiQi asked, "Mom, since I'm such a good girl, can I have a little ice cream?"

Cheng Jinlan replied, "You just ate and haven't digested your food yet. And you just sweated too. Eating ice cream right away wouldn't be good for your body. How about Mom makes you some sweet strawberry juice instead?"

Cheng LiQi's little scheme didn't work on her mother. But she wasn't unhappy either - ice cream was delicious, but strawberry juice was also tasty. If she couldn't have ice cream, then drinking sweet strawberry juice was fine too. She grabbed her mother's hand and ran, "Let's go, drink strawberry juice!"

Cheng Jinlan didn't hire a nanny at home. Usually it was just a housekeeper coming regularly to clean up. She didn't want to leave caring for her child to others for what she could do herself, and with the help of her mother and Auntie Qu, she could manage it all.

After returning home, Cheng Jinlan first brought Cheng LiQi to bathe, washing away the sweat and stuffy heat. After the bath, mother and daughter sat facing each other at the dining table, each holding a cup of strawberry juice. Cheng LiQi drank hers in one gulp, even letting out a satisfied "Ah" at the end - clearly still wanting more, but Cheng Jinlan didn't let her have any more no matter how she sighed.

Even being so careful, Cheng LiQi still developed a fever in the middle of the night. Cheng Jinlan first tried physical cooling, but it wasn't very effective. Cheng LiQi hugged her neck, mumbling softly, "Mom, I feel awful."

Cheng Jinlan didn't hesitate anymore. She dressed her and decided to take her to the hospital. They had a family doctor for regular use at home, but it was too late now. The hospital was just a ten minute drive by car - it was more convenient to just go there directly.

When Cheng Jinlan drove to the door, she saw the person standing outside.

Shao Chengze had come home late today. After showering, he wasn't sleepy at all and was just resting in the pavilion under the crape myrtle tree to cool off. The neighboring lights turned on and he heard noisy movement, realizing something was wrong. It was already late into the night, so something must have happened. He was still wondering if he should ring the doorbell or not when the front door opened.

Shao Chengze walked over. Cheng Jinlan lowered the car window halfway down. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw your lights were on. Did something happen?" He immediately understood when he caught sight of Cheng LiQi in the backseat. "I'll go with you. I'll drive."

Cheng LiQi was lying in the backseat with her eyes closed, quietly calling for "Mom" with her mouth.

Cheng Jinlan got out and he took her spot, while she went to the backseat to hold Cheng LiQi in her arms, gently soothing her. Smelling her mother's scent, Cheng LiQi felt a little better. She snuggled closer to her mom, eyes brimming with tears, and gradually fell asleep. Cheng Jinlan gently wiped away the teardrops, holding her even more steadily, inwardly blaming herself. She should have been even more careful. Shao Chengze drove very quickly but also very steadily. He kept glancing in the rearview mirror, anxious as could be. Fortunately the roads were unobstructed this late at night, and they soon arrived at the hospital. When getting out of the car, Cheng LiQi was transferred from Cheng Jinlan's arms into Shao Chengze's, and he strode fast into the hospital, holding Cheng LiQi steady in his embrace.

Cheng LiQi awoke from her slumber, heaved dryly a couple times, and vomited everything in her stomach all over Shao Chengze in one go. Opening her eyes to see Dad, the corners of her lips drooped down. Feeling awful physically and emotionally, she reached out her little hands wanting to wipe him clean, sobbing, "Dad, I'm sorry, I got your clothes dirty."

Shao Chengze's heart ached. He could barely speak. "It's okay, sweetie. They're not dirty."

Cheng Jinlan helped wipe the corners of Cheng LiQi's mouth and gently asked her, "Do you still feel like throwing up?" Cheng LiQi grasped her mother's hand. "No, Mom, don't worry. I'm not as uncomfortable now."

Cheng Jinlan pressed her forehead to her daughter's, feeling that her fever had also gone down a little, probably because she threw up. The ER doctor said it was heat stroke, nothing serious. He prescribed some medication and told the parents to keep a close eye on the child's condition tonight.

Ever since vomiting once, Cheng LiQi's spirits had lifted considerably, no longer listless. She could even tell the doctor, "Thank you, Doctor."

Cheng Jinlan gave Shao Chengze a look. "Do you want to go to the bathroom to clean up a bit?"

He was a complete mess from Cheng LiQi's vomit. He had only hastily wiped it off with some paper just now.

"It's fine, no need to clean up."

Seeing the hair stuck to her sweaty forehead, Shao Chengze's throat moved several times. He had only experienced one night like this, but over the years, from pregnancy to Cheng LiQi growing this big, there must have been countless situations like tonight. If he hadn't moved to this side today, she would have had to handle all these circumstances alone.

Previously, he had always thought he could make up for the lost time over the years, but only now did he realize what exactly he had missed out on. This was what he owed her and owed LiQi - a debt he could never repay in this lifetime.

Cheng LiQi tugged on her dad's clothes. "Dad, we have Grandpa's clothes at home. You can change into Grandpa's clothes when we get back."

Shao Chengze grasped her little hand. "Okay, thank you, LiQi. Does my LiQi feel a little better now?"

Cheng LiQi nodded, looking to her mother. "Mom, I want to go home now. I miss my bed and teddy bear."

Cheng Jinlan kissed her lovingly. "Alright, sweetheart, let's go home."

On the return trip, Shao Chengze carried Cheng LiQi. He kept holding her all the way to the car and didn't switch even when they reached the parking garage. Cheng Jinlan drove, and when they got back to the Cheng residence, she stopped the car after passing by the neighbor's.

Shao Chengze also looked at her. In a low voice he said, "She fell asleep."

Cheng Jinlan had no choice but to drive the car toward home. Shao Chengze carried Cheng LiQi into the house and laid her down on the sofa in the living room, just as she had said. Before Cheng Jinlan could even open her mouth, he spoke first in a low voice, "The doctor said to keep a close eye on her condition tonight. I'll take turns with you watching her. Don't say it - when it's light out, if she hasn't run another fever, I'll leave on my own."

Cheng Jinlan stared at him for a moment before turning away. After a few minutes, she came out of the cloakroom with clothes in hand and threw them to him. "You know where the bathroom is."

This was agreeing to let him stay. Shao Chengze's eyes softened. "What about LiQi? Should we move her to the bed?"

"I have to change her clothes first and wipe her down."

"Let me help you." Shao Chengze put the clothes down.

Cheng Jinlan impatiently said, "What help? You reek right now. Even if LiQi's better, you'll make her sick again with your stench."

Shao Chengze also knew he didn't smell too good at the moment. He picked up the clothes again. "Then I'll hurry."

Cheng LiQi had had a rough night and was sleeping very soundly now. She didn't even stir when her mother changed her clothes, wiped her face and feet. She only occasionally let out a couple whimpers in her sleep, perhaps the lingering distress from feeling awful earlier hadn't completely faded yet.

After cleaning up, Shao Chengze tiptoed into the bedroom. Cheng Jinlan had already changed Cheng LiQi's clothes. Cheng LiQi was hugging her teddy bear, with a fist pressed to her mouth. Her breathing was very even with each inhale and exhale.

"I'll watch her. You go shower," Shao Chengze said in a low voice.

Cheng Jinlan had also sweated a lot earlier in her hurry. Her clingy clothes made her very uncomfortable. She nodded, agreeing to his arrangement this time.

When Cheng Jinlan came out of the bathroom, Cheng LiQi was nestled in her dad's arms, head tilted back drinking water. Seeing her mother come in, she smiled groggily at Mom. "Mom, in my dream I kept wanting water, kept wanting water. Then I woke up. I thought when I woke up Dad would be gone, but Dad is still here."

Shao ChengZe put down the water glass and carefully wiped the corner of her mouth, "Daddy will stay with little LiQi tonight."

Cheng Jinlan touched the water glass, it was warm.

"Do you want more to drink? Mommy will go pour some more for you."

"No more, I'm not thirsty now."

Cheng LiQi looked at her mom, then looked at her dad, "Mommy, since Daddy is here tonight, can I sleep with Mommy, Daddy, and little bear? My little bed is so big."

The more Cheng LiQi thought about it, the more she felt her idea was great. She first patted the spot to her left, "Mommy, you sleep here," then patted the spot to her right, "Daddy, you sleep here today," and finally hugged her little bear, and said to Cheng Jinlan, "Mommy, Daddy sings lullabies so nicely, Daddy can sing us lullabies to help us fall asleep."

Cheng Jinlan paused, Shao ChengZe froze.

Seeing the wet and wide eyes of their daughter, the two adults did not speak.