Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students

Chapter 65

The hottest topic in town right now is the student selection at Starry Sky Kindergarten.

Any parents with children of the appropriate age who need to attend kindergarten are paying attention.

Starry Sky Kindergarten can be considered a pioneer.

They've directly brought the practices of elite kindergartens to a regular kindergarten.

The fee of 1,600 RMB is quite affordable for ordinary families.

Since enrollment began, they've been constantly trending.

There are even public accounts specifically compiling reactions,

As well as compilations of the children who have been accepted.

It's no exaggeration that in a short period of time, the viewership has exceeded 200 million.

At this moment, a new livestream suddenly emerged, with someone revealing their experience of withdrawing their child from Starry Sky Kindergarten.

Those few words strung together instantly struck a nerve with everyone.

People are dying to get into Starry Sky Kindergarten, yet someone withdrew from there.

Clicking into the live stream, the whistleblower turned out to be Yuan Yuan's Mother.

As soon as she started the livestream, many asked what had happened.

The heat instantly shot up to the local top trending topic.

It triggered the sensitive nerves of other kindergarten principals in the area.

They couldn't resist tuning in, wondering if there was any real gossip.

Each one like a shark smelling blood in the water.

If there was any dirt on Starry Sky Kindergarten, they'd immediately pounce to tear it apart, as Yuan Yuan's Mother had blocked too many of their paths to profit.

When Yuan Yuan's Mother saw so many people watching her livestream, she got a bit carried away, saying: "Alright, I'll tell you today how our child withdrew from there."

"Initially, our child was attending Starry Sky Kindergarten for 260 RMB."

"Everything was going well, and the child was quite happy, until suddenly one day, a woman approached me saying that if I withdrew from there, she would give me 5,000 RMB, and my child could attend their kindergarten for free."

"At the time, I was blinded by greed, thinking it didn't matter which kindergarten the child attended."

"So I withdrew from there. Only then did I realize it was a massive scheme by Giraffe Kindergarten against Starry Sky Kindergarten."

"They just wanted to use me to create a bad impression of Starry Sky Kindergarten."

"After I withdrew, not only did I not receive the 5,000 RMB they had promised, but my child also couldn't enroll in their kindergarten for free. Isn't that a scam?"

Yuan Yuan's Mother was truly furious.

There were also people from other kindergartens in the livestream, originally intending to gather information.

Little did they expect the plot by Giraffe Kindergarten to be exposed.

With the livestream containing such explosive revelations, everyone immediately became excited and started demanding: "Is this true or not?"

Yuan Yuan's Mother had dealt with Giraffe Kindergarten for so long that she knew they were no good.

She brought up that kindergarten and swore through gritted teeth that what she said was true.

The viewers in the livestream gasped in shock: "How terrifying when you think about it, that business warfare exists so close to us."

"These established kindergartens are too evil. 260 RMB was clearly a subsidized fee from the other party. But to tarnish Starry Sky's reputation, they resorted to such despicable tactics."

"And they even went back on their word. I really can't respect people like that."

"Does everyone remember the times when Starry Sky Kindergarten was inexplicably smeared a few times before? It was probably the same trick."

"I said back then that there must be something going on, but no one believed me then. You see, I was right."

"Which one is this Giraffe Kindergarten? They're so sinister."

"I know, that's Teacher Tang's former employer."

"Oh, no wonder."

Giraffe Kindergarten still didn't know what had happened. It was other competitors who passed the information to them.

The principal of Giraffe Kindergarten was the same Middle-aged Woman who had gone to throw a tantrum at Teacher Tang.

When she saw the livestream, she was nearly enraged to death: "Thinking you could get it for free, you're treating yourself like a beggar."

The more the Middle-aged Woman thought about it, the angrier she became. She clicked into this livestream, only to find Yuan Yuan's Mother still talking about this matter.

Hearing it was unbearably grating, so she immediately called.

As soon as the call went through, the livestream automatically closed.

The Middle-aged Woman shouted curses: "Have you gone crazy from being poor? Why would I just give you 5,000 RMB for free!"

"Let me tell you, if you want that money, you're trying to extort it. Now you're even trying to smear our kindergarten's reputation, you'll be receiving a lawyer's letter soon."

Yuan Yuan's Mother was no pushover either, saying: "You really know how to bully people. You tricked us into withdrawing before, promising free enrollment and 5,000 RMB that you never gave."

Yuan Yuan's Mother continued: "I'm just telling the truth, letting everyone know your true colors! Businesses like yours are bound to fail eventually." Then she hung up.

The Middle-aged Woman was about to be enraged to death. She never expected Yuan Yuan's Mother to be so stubborn.

She immediately called back, only to hear a busy tone - this woman had actually dared to block her number.

Soon after, the latest livestream clip appeared on WeChat.

In the video, an furious Yuan Yuan's Mother played an audio recording for everyone.

The Middle-aged Woman nearly fainted. The people in the livestream all heard the conversation between the two of them.

The fans in the livestream immediately became angry: "At this point, she still shows no remorse and acts arrogantly, clearly having been arrogant for too long."

"Giraffe Kindergarten, was it? Alright, I've remembered your name today."

"Everyone go take a look, someone has already dug up information on the principal of Giraffe Kindergarten. She's Teacher Tang's former employer, who previously didn't provide social security for employees and was taken to arbitration."

"Posting from a burner account as an insider: When Teacher Tang was working at the kindergarten back then, because of her exceptionally high teaching quality, many parents really liked Teacher Tang. The principal felt her position was somewhat threatened, and repeatedly undermined Tang, who was the most senior teacher but received the lowest salary."

"Isn't this workplace bullying?"

Once the information was out, everyone became enraged.

"A kindergarten that treats its teachers so poorly and breaks promises to parents, with so many ill intentions, how can they be allowed to run a kindergarten?"

"Exactly, I wouldn't feel at ease leaving my child at this kindergarten."

The torrent of insults in the livestream was unbearably harsh for the Middle-aged Woman to read.

Someone as stubbornly unapologetic as her couldn't withstand the barrage of criticism from everyone.

It was as if she had been locked in an ice cellar - she couldn't let people continue digging further.

Immediately after, she switched to another phone number to call Yuan Yuan's Mother again.

Knowing that Yuan Yuan's Mother was recording, I didn't dare to underestimate her anymore. Forcing myself to be patient, I said, "I'm from the Giraffe Kindergarten."

"The previous incident may have been a misunderstanding. We can negotiate this matter. For now, our kindergarten won't pursue this issue with you. As we discussed before, we'll give you 5,000 yuan and free admission for your child. Just stop the broadcast immediately and clarify that this was merely your imagination!"

Yuan Yuan's Mother was not usually smart, but this time she showed a rare moment of cleverness.

Yuan Yuan's Mother said, "Things have already escalated to this point. I wouldn't dare to send my child to your kindergarten. What if you mistreat my child? Then I would have nowhere to cry."

"What do you want then?"

Yuan Yuan's Mother abruptly hung up the phone. When the Middle-aged Woman called back, she only heard the busy tone.

Yuan Yuan's Mother no longer cared about getting into the kindergarten. She was now focused on another matter.

Because of this exposure, everyone was afraid they couldn't find a kindergarten, leading to increased attention on Yuan Yuan's Mother's platform. Now she already had over 20,000 followers.

Popularity means money. She could start live streaming and selling products as an internet celebrity.

The Middle-aged Woman never expected Yuan Yuan's Mother to expose this online.

She went crazy, repeatedly calling from new numbers, but no matter how many numbers the Middle-aged Woman tried, she couldn't keep up with Yuan Yuan's Mother's blocking speed.

The Middle-aged Woman felt a tinge of regret, wishing she hadn't provoked this foolish person.

Yuan Yuan's Mother had caught her off guard with this move.