Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students

Chapter 221

Shen Wei agreed to participate in the show because she was forced by the System's points.

She had previously owed the System 60,000 points for buying blueprints.

The System set a deadline of one month to repay the points, or else she would be electrocuted.

Apart from System rewards, the main way to obtain points was through online reputation.

Shen Wei was initially heartbroken when she was forced to terminate her participation after just one episode.

What would happen to her reputation now?

No one wanted to experience the consequences of being electrocuted.

Thankfully, Lu Zheng's series of actions frequently made it to the trending topics.

More and more people began to pay attention to this episode. After the show was discontinued, it couldn't be found online.

But that's how Chinese people are - the more you try to hide something, the more popular it becomes.

So people started searching extensively.

This episode had never been fully released online.

There were only a few screen recordings.

And even those were reported and complained about by the show's production team.

So this episode was cut into pieces.

It was posted on different accounts, with viewers having to search for ten minutes here, another ten minutes there, like picking through scraps.

After watching all the videos, people hurled various insults at Lu Zheng.

But they also became intrigued by Starry Sky Kindergarten.

The more they learned, the more they felt Shen Wei was legendary.

Fresh out of college, she had so many industry top talents willingly working for her.

And there was even a former small-time celebrity working as a street dance teacher at Starry Sky.

No wonder Shen Wei seemed destined for trending topics.

The small-time celebrity who had never trended in the entertainment industry for years suddenly started trending frequently for his outstanding dance skills after joining Starry Sky.

His personal account had already grown to over 800,000 followers.

Although his account started late, it far surpassed those of other staff at Starry Sky Kindergarten.

Starry Sky Kindergarten seemed like an endless treasure trove.

As a result, Shen Wei gained over 100,000 points in the shortest time possible.

After deducting the 60,000 owed to the System, Shen Wei now had 40,000 points left.

Shen Wei never imagined that the problem troubling her for some time would be solved so easily.

The System also congratulated her.

But then it added, "From now on, rewards will be sought elsewhere, and System points will no longer be issued."

Shen Wei nearly coughed up blood; the System was truly heartless.

It had let her experience the wonder of points.

It had opened a complex points mall, a lucky wheel, and a customization area.

Now it wouldn't give points anymore. Everything would depend on gaining traffic online.

No matter how you looked at it, the System seemed like a cunning merchant.

There were many benefits to having points, and she planned to use them wisely in the future.

Although buying the blueprints for 1 million points earlier was a bit impulsive, she still didn't regret it.

After calming her inner turmoil, she came out and saw Song Ping An.

Song Ping An's eyes lit up when he saw Shen Wei.

Shen Wei had truly become the darling of Starry Sky Kindergarten. No matter how old the children were, they would be happy to see her and want to cuddle with her.

Many teachers at the kindergarten envied this natural ability to attract children.

Shen Wei greeted Song Ping An.

This child was rescued by Shen Wei from another city.

Previously, when he was with the education expert, the child was very dependent on her.

Shen Wei had even fed him, changed his clothes, and personally bathed him.

Now, as Shen Wei reached out to Song Ping An with a smile, the little fellow remained unmoved.

He even turned his face away angrily, as if he hadn't seen her.

Shen Wei forcefully took the little one into her arms.

But he had a kind of unyielding quality, his little neck proudly turned away.

He looked everywhere but at Shen Wei.

"What's wrong?" Shen Wei's voice was surprisingly gentle.

Song Ping An snorted and struggled to get up.

Under the careful nurturing at Starry Sky Kindergarten, he had gained quite a bit of weight.

He was much chubbier than before.

And some time ago, Dr. Lu had specially taken him to the hospital for a check-up.

The little fellow's physical deficiencies had been mostly made up.

It wouldn't affect his lifespan in the future.

He was truly the child who had suffered the most in the kindergarten.

So the news of his recovery also excited everyone else at the kindergarten.

But now that the little fellow had gained weight, Shen Wei couldn't control him when he wanted to struggle.

Afraid of hurting him, she put him on the ground, and the little one ran away with quick steps.

Education expert Weng Lan had been personally taking care of Song Ping An and Cheng Wen, the developmentally delayed eldest son of the Cheng family.

Now, seeing Shen Wei, she said, "The child is angry!"

When Shen Wei participated in the variety show, everyone at Starry Sky Kindergarten paid close attention.

Earlier, when Weng Lan was watching on her phone, the little fellow had even pressed his face against the phone screen, wanting to cuddle with Shen Wei.

He looked very dependent.

But when they saw He Lingfeng and Mu Zhixing, everyone immediately became jealous, and there was no way to console them.

The little ones all had their own sense of possessiveness.

Moreover, he was certified by the System as an antagonist.

Having experienced such a turbulent childhood at a young age.

His need for emotional connection was much higher than that of ordinary children.

After hearing Weng Lan explain the cause and effect, Shen Wei had to change her approach to interacting with little Ping An.

Shen Wei didn't say anything, just followed the little fellow, quietly watching him from the side.

Song Ping An was playing in the ball pit, pretending not to see Shen Wei when she was around.

But every time he slid down the slide, he would unconsciously look at Shen Wei.

The little fellow thought he was being casual, but it was actually very obvious.

He was blatantly jealous, which was too adorable.

At Starry Sky Kindergarten, Shen Wei was the absolute core. Even Gu Qingyan wouldn't dare treat Shen Wei like this, openly giving her the cold shoulder.

Only this little fellow could.

So the little fellow played for an entire morning.

Shen Wei patiently accompanied him.

Finally, Song Ping An cheered up.

For the first two hours of play, he had kept a straight face.

He looked very serious when sliding down the slide.

But now, after finishing playing, he took the initiative to reach out his little hand, reluctantly running over and throwing himself into Shen Wei's arms, finally accepting her embrace.

Shen Wei said, "This was a special situation. Next time we go out to play, will you let Sister Principal take you?"

Although the child was too young, and most people would think there was no need to explain such things to a child.

But Shen Wei still patiently explained.

Little Ping An snorted, then buried his face deeper.

But Weng Lan, standing nearby, clearly saw the little fellow's obviously happy smile.

Although she was an education expert, she also greatly admired Shen Wei in some aspects.

With just a few words, she had managed to win over a stubborn little troublemaker.