Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students

Chapter 202

The mad scientist who created the game pod disappeared and was never seen again.

Many people thought he had died.

After all, the last stretch of his disappearance led to a lake.

The search and rescue team dredged for a month without results.

This gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

But the person still couldn't be found.

When everyone had given up hope, they abandoned the pursuit of the creator.

Instead, they turned their attention to studying the game pod.

However, this device was incredibly intricate.

And they couldn't violently dismantle it without damage.

They were all elites in their field.

If they couldn't figure it out, no one else could.

This was a great regret for them.

Even the wonderful Starry Sky Kindergarten couldn't make up for it.

But just as they were about to leave, joyous news arrived.

This made them immediately restless, and they rushed back to Starry Sky Kindergarten.

Several of the younger scientists, who had already booked their tickets, now canceled them and decided to stay!

They wouldn't leave no matter what!

They wanted to see what was really going on.

The older professors, after getting in the car, frantically urged the driver to hurry.

They were as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

The drivers floored the gas pedal and the cars sped off.

They quickly arrived at Starry Sky Kindergarten.

These old professors rushed, half-running and half-stumbling, to Shen Wei's office.

When they got in, they were so out of breath they had to pant heavily for three or four minutes before they could speak.

Shen Wei was about to open her mouth.

But one of the old professors, very security-conscious, refused to let Doctor Lu in.

He raised his hand, and the others seemed to understand.

They quickly handed over all their devices like phones and tablets, including Shen Wei's.

Once entering the realm of high technology, they absolutely couldn't risk being monitored.

A small step in researching this device would be a giant leap for mankind.

And as far as they knew, no research institutes abroad had managed to develop a holographic game pod.

They had all deeply experienced the capabilities of this game pod during this period.

They had already raised the level of secrecy to the highest degree.

All the old professors looked at Shen Wei with serious expressions.

Several of them were even trembling slightly.

They didn't notice it themselves.

But Shen Wei was a bit worried.

After all, these old professors were quite elderly, and if they got too excited, wouldn't there be other problems?

Shen Wei then took out an entire book, very thick, like a medical textbook.

The cover read: Game Hardware and Software System.

Just seeing these words excited the old professors.

Then Shen Wei briefly explained.

The game pod and the book were mailed separately. And this inconspicuous book was mixed in with the kindergarten's deliveries.

After Starry Sky's good deeds became famous, many kind-hearted people donated things, and they also bought their own deliveries.

Shen Wei had specially found a room to store the packages.

Some had even been stored for as long as half a year.

The old professors had heard about this during their month-long stay.

They just didn't expect the precious design blueprints to be among them.

Upon hearing this, the old professors hurriedly opened and took a look.

It had everything from materials to blueprints.

Just one glance and they knew the value of this thing.

They all couldn't bear to look any further.

The groundbreaking item was right before their eyes, but they felt a nervousness akin to homesickness.

One of the younger scientists said, "It's fortunate you opened it, otherwise it would have been a great loss to the scientific community."

An old professor surnamed Li couldn't help but tear up: "The original creator is truly a good child. He even wrote such a detailed manual. If only we could find him, I'd be willing to recommend him to a research institute."

Others said, "Old Li, you must be confused. With his academic credentials, he wouldn't need recommendations. Those research institutes would be fighting to recruit him."

"In my opinion, the one we should thank the most is Shen Wei. She had the foresight to support this rising star in the scientific world."

"Yes, I will remember your contribution."

"This matter is of great importance, we need to return immediately to study these blueprints in detail."

They were truly too excited.

But they felt awkward just leaving like that. They asked Shen Wei, "Is there anything you want?"

Shen Wei said, "As long as this is useful to you, that's enough."

The old professors looked at Shen Wei, speechless, their lips trembling.

Their interactions over this period had shown them that Shen Wei was a good person.

But they hadn't expected her to be willing to give them such a high-level gift.

It was as weighty as a mountain.

At this moment, any words would be pale in comparison. They said to Shen Wei, "Don't worry, we've got your back! We won't let you suffer any loss."

Finally, they left. They awkwardly split the entire book into two halves.

Professor Li's group took the upper half, and the others took the lower half.

The two groups took separate flights.

The level of this item had made them vigilant.

These blueprints absolutely couldn't have any mishaps.

Even if something happened, at least part of it would remain in the world.

Soon they were gone!

Shen Wei knew they would take it very seriously once she handed it over to them.

Her task was complete, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Life would go on as usual.

But two days later, Professor Li called her specifically.

"I've reported this matter for you. From now on, for every game pod sold, you will receive 10% of the profits. Also, if that young scientist contacts you, you must tell me!"

Actually, with these blueprints, the urgency to find the mad scientist had lessened.

In this matter, Shen Wei had made the greatest contribution.

She had given these blueprints to the country, a spirit that many couldn't achieve.

10% was already the maximum he could negotiate.

It might not sound like much, but for something of this level, it was beyond what a mere scientist like him could influence.

Moreover, the new game pod had already hit the market and its popularity was predictable.

Even 1% of the profits would be a terrifying fortune.

Initially, the higher-ups only agreed to 2%.

It was several old scientists pounding the table with the leaders that finally settled it at 10%.

For the game pod's interviews, those who could enter the final round were already super capital.

And it was foreseeable that what those super capitals could get might not exceed 10%.

Professor Li didn't tell Shen Wei about the difficulties involved in this.

But one thing was certain, Shen Wei and Starry Sky had gained recognition from the top.

Since handing over these blueprints to the country, it was equivalent to becoming "royalty."

As long as she didn't break the law in the future, she could basically walk with her head held high.

And her spirit of selfless dedication had already spread throughout the scientific community.

It could be said that now, in the scientific world, they were all Shen Wei's big brothers.

Several old professors had silently found such a big backer for Shen Wei.