Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students

Chapter 133

Mu Zhixing's paintings were beautiful, and she was even being interviewed abroad.

She suddenly became popular on foreign forums.

"What an incredible little Eastern darling. My goodness, it's hard to imagine someone so young creating such amazing works."

"A contemporary artist has decided to buy her painting for $500,000. So, is it too late for me to start learning how to paint?"

"This painting is truly spirited, especially that one of the planet. It gives a sense of vastness. How can such a young child express such complex emotions?"

After these foreign comments were translated and spread on the domestic internet, the art world was in an uproar.

Of course, they knew about Mu Zhixing.

Previously, when "Stars" was on loan for exhibition, people didn't know much about her.

But later, they found out she was Qi Zhong's last disciple.

After Qi Zhong's incident, he was essentially expelled from the art world.

Naturally, they wouldn't allow his student to rise to prominence.

So, under intense suppression, she indeed faded from view.

But unexpectedly, the flower that withered inside the wall bloomed fragrantly outside.

They actually went to the United States to hold an exhibition.

And it caused such a sensation.

Even renowned contemporary American artists publicly expressed their desire to collaborate.

They were even willing to purchase her works, which provided tremendous promotional opportunities for art dealers.

Moreover, Mu Zhixing's paintings were accessible to everyone.

Her control of color was innate.

This exhibition made people directly perceive the gap between her and ordinary children.

Not only was Mu Zhixing recognized at this exhibition, but the other kindergarten children were also very happy.

The parents were thrilled, never imagining their children's works could be exhibited abroad.

This kind of exposure opportunity was like a stroke of ancestral luck.

Shen Wei even sent back photos of everyone's works one by one.

Now, when the kindergarten teachers refreshed their social media, it was all about this.

Some parents even wrote this special experience on their profiles: "Child participated in an art exhibition in the United States."

A painting fever began, with everyone wanting to cultivate their children's talents.

Qi Zhong received numerous invitations, with many offering hefty sums to hire him as their children's private tutor.

The entire trip lasted 9 days.

Shen Wei and Mu Zhixing were exhausted when they returned.

This commotion abroad attracted reporters who gathered to interview them upon their return.

"Hello, how do you feel about this trip to the United States?"

Shen Wei said beside her, "Thank you all for your attention. We're truly very happy that the child could get such training. Mu Zhixing received widespread love this time, and she deserves it."

The reporter then asked the little girl, "How did you start liking painting, and who taught you?"

Mu Zhixing was very pretty, and with her soft and adorable nature, she spoke in a sweet, childish voice.

Although she hid in Shen Wei's arms, she firmly said, "Qi Zhong is my teacher."

These days online, people also knew about what happened to her teacher before.

The reporter then asked, "Do you know? A domestic painting master said he's willing to take you as a disciple. Would you like that?"

Having already received such widespread acclaim abroad, if she were to add the endorsement of a domestic master, the child's future would certainly be limitless.

A child might not understand these things, but Mu Zhixing did.

As a girl, she was somewhat precocious, so upon hearing this, she said, "I only have one teacher, and I'm truly grateful to him."

Shen Wei finally said, "I'm sorry, the child is really tired. After all, we've been on a long flight and need to adjust to the time difference. So, let's have another interview when we have the chance!"

Then she led the child away.

Along the way, Gu Qingyan was waiting for the luggage.

This was an experience the young master had never had.

His status was different. He used to travel with assistants and bodyguards.

This time, taking care of the two of them from start to finish was really not easy.

Shen Wei didn't know that the interview they just had at the airport had already gone viral online.

Qi Zhong almost cried when he saw this.

He knew his position was somewhat awkward.

If Mu Zhixing had chosen someone else, he would have accepted it.

But he never expected the little one to move him in another way.

By the time Shen Wei returned, it was already kindergarten dismissal time. Some long-time employees voluntarily stayed behind to welcome Shen Wei and the others back.

When Shen Wei and the others got out of the car, they saw Qi Zhong with reddened eyes.

He had obviously been crying earlier.

When Mu Zhixing saw this, she asked, "Teacher, why are you crying?"

She gave him a hug and then said, "I bought you a fridge magnet!"

Teacher Qi Zhong couldn't hold back and hugged the child, saying, "How can you be so good?" His voice trembled slightly as he spoke.

Shen Wei said, "This child wanted to pick out a gift for you at every place we visited!"

For a child, Qi Zhong was the enlightening teacher.

He had invested a lot of effort.

Given Mu Zhixing's previous family situation,

she treasured every bit of kindness from others.

The little one was also trying her best to give back.

Tears welled up in Qi Zhong's eyes as he said, "You should go rest now."

After such a long flight, they must be tired.

Liu Chef and Chef Chen had started buying groceries and cooking early.

They wanted to prepare a proper welcome-back feast for them.

Everyone at the kindergarten felt that Shen Wei had worked hard.

They initially thought it was just participating in an art exhibition there, interacting with colleagues in the art world. They didn't expect Lin Rui to have organized such a grand event.

Each day required extensive socializing.

And there were media interviews overseas.

Even Lin Rui hadn't anticipated this; if she had known, she should have assigned a team to accompany Shen Wei.

It was their first time, without experience, but they still performed excellently.

Shen Wei took the child and had a good sleep at the kindergarten.

When she woke up again, she first checked the system messages in her consciousness.

She had muted the mechanical voice of the prestige value, with over ten thousand points being credited each day. The gains were considerable.

Mu Zhixing also woke up soon after, and the two changed clothes and took a shower.

When Mu Zhixing came out, she was once again a fragrant little baby.

Although they had these conditions while abroad, it was still more comfortable at home.

When they came out, Liu Chef had even bought the child's favorite Napoleon and strawberry cake.

The aroma wafted over once again.

Those who weren't hungry before suddenly felt their stomachs growling.

Before leaving, they had wondered how they would manage for eight or nine days.

Only after going abroad did they realize how much they truly missed home.

The desserts abroad are really too sweet.

One can only choose some fast food to eat.

Upon returning, seeing braised pork trotters and stir-fried pork intestines, along with dishes like "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" and charcoal-grilled lobster, it's impossible to hold back the saliva.

Thus, Liu Chef once again experienced the shock after returning from abroad.

Just these few people were eating so deliciously, he felt a bit heartbroken.

From the main course to fruits and after-dinner desserts, Liu Chef had prepared many things, which were all swept clean.