Domination of the Aristocratic Dynasty After a Body Swap with the CEO

Chapter 24

Fu Ling saw wave after wave of distinguished guests be invited in and then invited back out again. Boss's and madam boss's faces still did not reveal any happiness, especially boss, who had a worrisome expression. He too could not help but worry.

Could boss's and madam boss's marriage fate really be so unsatisfactory?

Previously, he had thought boss was making such a big fuss about finding a distinguished person in order to defeat his second son. Turns out it was for madam boss!

It really is true love!

No problem, true love is always full of trials! Without going through wind and rain, how could one see the rainbow? He will forever be boss's and madam boss's staunch cp fan!

No matter what, he, Fu Ling, had already investigated madam boss's identity. She was an actress with both acting skills and beauty! Although there were unsavory rumors about her, he believed in boss's judgement!

He! Fu Ling! Will forever hold the flag for this planetary cp!!!

After finishing the last pot of tea, Zhong Ruanxing looked at the time: "I have a meeting at 4, I need to get back to the company."

Song JinXing nodded and showed her the audition notice he had received that morning: "I'll go to the set to audition tomorrow morning. I know this opportunity is very important to you, but I may not be able to fulfill your wish."

Although he had finished reading all the books on acting he had bought in the last few days, he was still an outsider after all. Hoping to stand out among so many trained actors was nearly impossible.

Although Zhong Ruanxing felt regret, she also understood: "It's fine, just go through the motions. You can't expect yourself to instantly become good at acting. There will still be opportunities in the future."

Song JinXing didn't say anything more. After they parted, he sent a message to Fu Ling from his private number: 【Check if there are any suitable product endorsements among the company's recent products for Ms. Zhong.】

Because of his negligence which led to her losing this chance to act in a movie, even though she didn't bring it up, he still could not just let it go. Although the Song family rarely dabbled in the entertainment industry, providing resources for her would still be easy.

Fu Ling was very excited. The boss was finally going to start doting on his wife! Witnessing the ship in person, Fu Ling felt extremely smug!

After returning to the company, Fu Ling immediately contacted relevant personnel from the departments to summarize the products that needed endorsements recently. He picked out the ones suitable for Zhong Ruanxing's image and organized them neatly before sending them to the boss.

Recently, boss had always contacted him using his newly registered private number. Fu Ling had also gotten used to communicating with him using this number, inadvertently avoiding Zhong Ruanxing herself.

After looking through the documents, Song JinXing picked two endorsements and sent them back to Fu Ling: 【Contact her agent to negotiate.】

Upon receiving the message, Fu Ling had already started imagining boss spending exorbitant amounts of money in the future to open a one-person entertainment company for madam boss.

Returning home, the house was quiet. Zhong You had gone to school and Liu Cai had probably brought madam Zhong downstairs for a walk. There was no one else home except for himself, which actually matched his previous lifestyle.

But Song JinXing somehow felt a little uncomfortable with this.

The habits from his twenty years of living alone were apparently no match for the liveliness of these past few days after the switch. This abnormality made him involuntarily wary.

He would eventually return to his own body after all. The warmth and liveliness of the secular world never truly belonged to him. Developing attachments was not a good thing. Extreme discipline led to extreme calmness, he could always completely block the outlet before the floodgates opened.

After watching some videos explaining acting techniques for a while, the sun had gradually started setting. He had promised Zhong You earlier that he would pick her up from preschool today. Song JinXing tidied up and was about to head out when his phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID showed 【You Xinle】. Song JinXing had heard Zhong Ruanxing mention her before. She was a small entertainer from the same agency as Zhong Ruanxing. The two were not best friends who shared everything, but they had a close relationship and often went out to eat and shop together.

Just as Song JinXing finished putting on his shoes and picked up the call, an anxious whispered voice came from the other end: "Ruanxing, the audition is almost over, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Song JinXing was stunned: "What audition?"

You Xinle raised her voice in impatience: "Director Zeng's movie audition, what else!"

Song JinXing: "Wasn't it scheduled for tomorrow morning?"

You Xinle was incredibly anxious: "The company sent a notice at noon that Director Zeng had something come up tomorrow morning and moved the audition time to this afternoon! Didn't your agent notify you? Forget it, don't talk anymore. Hurry over here now, same location as before!"

After hanging up the phone, Song JinXing took the car keys hanging by the door and strode out.

In the elevator, he sent Liu Cai a message to pick Zhong You up from preschool. Then he drove towards the audition location.

Even in a rush, he was always calm and composed.

There were several entertainers from Zhong Ruanxing's agency Sheng Yu Entertainment that were auditioning for this movie this time. Under these circumstances, changes to the audition time would only be notified to the company side, then each agent would notify their artists.

But Zhong Ruanxing's agent, Weng Hanzhi, obviously neglected her far too much.

Ever since entering the company, Zhong Ruanxing had been under Weng Hanzhi's management. All these years without making any splashes, not only did Weng Hanzhi not handle her lack of jobs or resolve rumors, she left Zhong Ruanxing to her own devices while devoting all her energy and time to the other two small-time entertainers under her.

Halfway to his destination, Song JinXing finally received a call from this agent.

"Ruanxing, have you arrived at the audition yet? I was too busy today and forgot about this matter, I'm truly very sorry."

While saying she was sorry, there was not a shred of apology in her tone.

In her eyes, whether or not Zhong Ruanxing went to audition, she would not get this role anyway. So what difference did it make if she went or not.

Song JinXing held the steering wheel, his voice cold: "If you can't even remember to notify me about time changes, then you don't need to be my agent anymore."

Weng Hanzhi was dumbfounded on the other end of the call, she would never have imagined Zhong Ruanxing daring to speak to her this way. After reacting, her tone was no longer good: "Forgetting to notify you is my mistake, but you also know how many jobs Xi Tian has, I'm too busy to even handle her matters properly, how could I possibly have the energy to remember this and that. If you were more like her, I wouldn't have forgotten! "

Cheng Xi Tian was another small-time starlet under her.

Song JinXing expressionlessly said: "Being too busy shows your lack of ability. Know your limitations and act accordingly, since you apparently can't handle your current workload, you can apply to the company to reduce it instead of making life difficult for yourself and others."

Ever since promoting Cheng Xi Tian and Dou Zi Ming to moderate success, whoever saw Weng Hanzhi now didn't flatter and pamper her excessively. Even the company higher-ups treated her politely. For this completely unsuccessful Zhong Ruanxing to actually dare provoke her like this!

She laughed coldly twice, bluntly saying: "Zhong Ruanxing, you haven't even auditioned for the role yet but you're already acting arrogantly? Just because Director Zeng specifically named you to audition, you actually think you're really somebody now? Moreover, even if you did get this role, so what? You really think you can turn over a new leaf after offending Young Master Song? I advise you to be realistic. Otherwise when you fall even harder in the future, you'll only blame yourself. There are still many ruthless methods in this circle you haven't experienced!"