Domination of the Aristocratic Dynasty After a Body Swap with the CEO

Chapter 160

When Zhong Ruanxing finished showering and changing, the wind outside the room was already blowing hard. Torrential rain poured down as the servants on the estate scrambled to finish the last of the storm preparations. The ten tour buses were parked back in the garage, and the TV crew had all been brought to the three-story annex.

It was Zhong Ruanxing's first typhoon, and she stood at the sturdy glass windows feeling the thrill as she dried her hair with a towel.

The soundproofing on the windows was excellent - even with the raging winds and lashing rain outside, she could only hear faint pitter-patter from inside. But the scene before her eyes was frightening: she watched as a large ornamental tree along the estate road was uprooted and toppled over, its eyes wide as she pressed her palms to the glass.

Did the lavish estate that Song JinXing spent a fortune on really withstand this typhoon?

She even thought back to the disaster films she had seen, with terrifying scenes of islands getting swallowed up by tsunamis.

Just as she was scaring herself, there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was a maid, Zhong Ruanxing called out "Come in" in English.

When she turned around, she realized it was Song JinXing returning.

He had quickly rinsed off and changed out of the tactical gear matching his bodyguards into a white tailored shirt from BLOOMING, sleeves rolled up to reveal his lean, muscular forearms and the faint blue veins running along them.

His black hair wasn't styled as usual, still damp and tousled over his brow, softening his normally sharp features.

Seeing him, Zhong Ruanxing's fear brought on by the natural disaster dissipated a little. But she still looked anxious, her pretty eyes wide as she asked him worriedly: "Song JinXing, is this house built sturdy enough? Won't it get blown away by the typhoon?"

Only then did Song JinXing understand where her fear stemmed from, relieved as he smiled: "The previous owner showed me inspection reports when I bought it. This estate can withstand a Category 14 typhoon. Today's won't exceed Category 10."

Zhong Ruanxing let out a breath, but still asked uneasily: "What if the typhoon causes a tsunami that swallows up the whole island?"

Song JinXing pretended to ponder: "In theory, the island's location makes a tsunami unlikely, and there's no history of them in its records. But if we did have the misfortune to encounter one..."

Seeing Zhong Ruanxing's eyes grow impossibly wider, he couldn't bear to tease her further, laughing as he took the towel from her hands: "That won't happen. I've contacted the meteorological station. The typhoon will pass by tonight."

"Really?" Zhong Ruanxing still looked uneasy.

He smiled with a nod, then went to the cabinet for a hairdryer, beckoning her over: "Come dry your hair."

Only then did Zhong Ruanxing realize her soaked hair had dampened the front of her shirt. She moved over to the vanity and sat down: "I'll do it myself."

Song JinXing simply raised his hand to stop her from taking the hairdryer, saying only: "Sit still."

So Zhong Ruanxing obediently sat. The hairdryer's warm air descended as he stood behind her, leaning down slightly with a focused expression.

His long fingers threaded through her hair, occasionally brushing her scalp and sending shivers down her spine.

Her ear tips grew warm, but she couldn't bear to look away from their reflection, feeling a sweet warmth spreading through her entire body, reassuring her. It was as if a voice inside said: Don't doubt his sincerity, you should have realized it long ago.

The Song JinXing today was nothing like the one she first met. Even observing him through her own body then, she could sense the cold indifference holding everyone at arm's length. But now, the ice had begun to thaw.

Unconsciously, his emotions now rose and fell in waves, he understood joy, anger, sorrow and delight, and learned how to express affection.

This process would likely be difficult and slow, but one day, he would heal and become someone with a healthy psyche, embracing the world and embraced warmly in return.

And she would always accompany him.

Amid the hairdryer's drone, Song JinXing's low voice suddenly pressed down: "If you keep looking at me like that, I may not be able to wait until the end of the show."

Zhong Ruanxing's expression was solemn: "I don't think we necessarily have to wait until then."

Song JinXing's hairdrying motions paused. The noise stopped abruptly as he raised his eyes to their reflection, gazing at her intensely as if to swallow her whole: "Really?"

Zhong Ruanxing shuddered back to her senses, deflating suddenly: "On second thought, let's wait a bit longer..."

After all, the entire crew was staying here. If word got out, people might think she seduced the island owner. And after confirming their relationship, she'd still have to continue filming, interacting with male guests - how was that any different from betraying Song JinXing?

Better to wait, wait a bit longer. Staying single was the last respect she could show this show!

The brewing storm in Song JinXing's eyes gradually calmed. He gave an unsurprised chuckle and resumed drying her hair.

Zhong Ruanxing breathed an unprincipled sigh of relief.

Her hair was very soft, naturally thick and voluminous. Dried, it barely needed any styling, cascading beautifully down her shoulders.

She had picked a white blouse and shorts from the wardrobe before coming down, coincidentally matching Song JinXing's outfit. Catching sight of their reflection in the mirror, they looked like a couple wearing couple's outfits.

Lunch was served in the same place as before, but instead of seafood, the fare was switched to the homecooked dishes she typically enjoyed. After a few bites, Zhong Ruanxing suspected he had flown his personal chef in from the capital to Hidden Star Island.

The thought occurred to her during the meal, and she asked him: "You've arranged meals for the crew too, right?"

Song JinXing scooped some soup into her bowl: "The housekeeper will handle it."

Guests should be treated well. The previous owner had even hosted lavish multi-day birthday parties here for over two hundred guests before. The housekeeper could handle such events smoothly, let alone a small TV crew.

Seeing the beautiful rooms and extravagant buffet lunches the island owner arranged for them, the crew was ready to enshrine this mysterious man as a bodhisattva.

Director Yan was grateful, and had no intention of taking advantage. After the meal, he went with the interpreter to discuss payment with the housekeeper for their stay.

Unexpectedly, the housekeeper smiled and refused, saying only: "The owner said this is just hospitality amongst friends. Please enjoy yourselves without worry."

Director Yan was moved to tears.

What a wonderful person, to treat them poor devils as friends!

He couldn't help but edit the Weibo post reassuring fans of their safety, effusively thanking the selfless support and aid of the island owner - the flattery was more sycophantic than fans praising their idols.

Netizens didn't believe it without proof, demanding to see how awesome it was.

Of course they couldn't stream the private estate to fans out of respect for the owner's privacy. But Director Yan still uploaded two photos of the extravagant lunch buffet as evidence.

Seeing the lavish spread of seafood casually piled up, netizens clamored: Let us on the island too! We want to be friends with the owner!