A Little Trick, the Scumbag Dad Can’t Hold the Knife After Understanding Love

Chapter 5

The system repeatedly stressed that Ji Tingzhou despised the original Ji family, including himself, and found it even more repulsive to have children with his blood. Although the original book didn't specify what Ji Tingzhou experienced as a teenager, it summarized it with just four words: 'endured countless humiliations.' Ji Nian knew that those who were killed were likely not good people.

Ji Nian realized what kind of persona she should adopt to cling to Ji Tingzhou's thigh.

A naive and sweet character.

A role that seems easy to play but can easily turn into a stupid and annoying character if not done right.

Ji Nian clapped her hands: [If I can't be stupid, then I'll be abstract!]

If Ji Tingzhou was an elephant, then being abstract was a form of rebellion against him.

And so, Ji Nian calmly discussed the 'urination theory.'

The system: Are you really not just acting naturally?

After a moment of silence, unexpectedly, it was Ji Tingzhou himself who burst out laughing first.


He tilted his head, his eyes relaxed, and tears of laughter appeared at the corners of his eyes. Even when laughing, he was pleasing to the eye.

However, no one except Ji Nian dared to look at him.

"Bring her in."

After laughing, the emotion in Ji Tingzhou's eyes hadn't dissipated, but his voice was cold.

Ji Nian muttered to herself about how low his sense of humor was and saw Zhang Yulan being brought in, her arms twisted behind her back.

As soon as Zhang Yulan left the small building with a knife, she was discovered, and the security team mobilized to capture her.

The moment she was brought in, she just saw her son, covered in blood, being thrown into the lake, and her legs went weak, needing to be dragged to move.

She no longer had the aura of someone who had just been brandishing a knife.

Especially when her eyes landed on Ji Nian, her fear intensified, as if she couldn't understand how, in just one moment of not watching, Ji Nian had ended up with the head of the family.

Then came endless regret, though not for mistreating Ji Nian, but for not killing the little bastard sooner.

Ji Nian, on the other hand, lit up when she saw her, then shrank back, wanting to approach but not daring to.

"Why don't you call her mom anymore?"

Ji Tingzhou noticed this and spoke with a touch of sarcasm.

Ji Nian whispered an explanation: "She doesn't like me calling her that..."

Hearing their conversation, Zhang Yulan felt a chill.

"What are you talking about, you little bastard!"

She knew that even if the head of the family disliked this little creature, he wouldn't allow anyone to take on the role of Ji Nian's 'mother.'

After all, even if not acknowledged, Ji Nian was indeed Ji Tingzhou's child.

"Who are you calling a bastard?"

Wei Yang glared and reprimanded.

Calling someone a bastard behind their back was one thing, but doing it in front of the head of the family was asking for a short life.

At this shout, Zhang Yulan shrank back, but thinking of her son being thrown into the lake, her heart ached as if bleeding.

That was her child, carried for ten months, the only son of their family!!

Her eyes turned red with hatred, and she roared with the determination of a fish dying in a broken net: "I'm calling you a bastard, what of it! My son is gone, and I'm an old bone ready to die! Pfft!"

"A lowlife who killed his own family, what else would his offspring be but a bastard! Did I call it wrong!?"

"Bastard, bastard, bastard! You're an even bigger bastard!!"

Everyone's eyes changed.

No matter what they thought privately, mentioning these things in front of Ji Tingzhou was... insane.

Years of bullying in the remote small building had obviously made her forget how terrifying Ji Tingzhou was.

As the curses became increasingly vulgar, Ji Tingzhou didn't get angry; instead, he smiled more and more happily.

But someone else spoke first.

"I'm a bastard too."

"Great, brother, we're bastards, we're saved!"

As if unaware of the change in atmosphere, Ji Nian looked at Ji Tingzhou with excitement, as if being like him was something to be proud of.

She pointed at herself, then at Ji Tingzhou.

"My eyes are the color of a beer bottle, and so are yours, brother."

"I'm a bastard, and so are you, brother."

"From now on, you're the big bastard, and I'm the little bastard."

Everyone: "………"

Although children's words are innocent, this was a bit too...

But then they thought about how Ji Nian had been left untaught and didn't know how insulting the word 'bastard' was.

The child only thought she had found a kindred spirit and didn't care about the nature of this 'kindred spirit.'

Wei Yang had thought Ji Tingzhou would get angry, maybe even order him to drag the child away immediately.

But unexpectedly.

Ji Tingzhou didn't get angry; the eyes that Ji Nian had described as 'beer bottle color' blinked lightly.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, he nodded.

"You're right."

"We are both bastards."

Wei Yang and the others had expressions as if they were about to be executed.

Only Ji Nian smiled at Ji Tingzhou, completely unafraid.

Zhang Yulan's mouth was stuffed with a dirty sock, and she was glaring with bulging eyes, making muffled noises.

Then, two men in uniforms suddenly appeared, holding a man who was beaten and bruised, his clothes torn.

The man was still pleading for mercy, insisting he hadn't gambled.

When Zhang Yulan saw him, she was struck like lightning.

He also saw the equally disheveled Zhang Yulan.

Instead of immediately asking about his mother's condition, the man's first words were: "Mom! Do something! I just used that money to play a little! How is that gambling!!"

He even had resentment, blaming his mother for being so useless.

The police came over, first greeting Ji Tingzhou, then looking at Zhang Yulan: "Mr. Ji brought her along too, perfect, let's arrest her as well."

He waved his hand, and several police officers came over to take Zhang Yulan, handcuffing her.

What was going on? Her son wasn't just thrown into the lake covered in blood?

Zhang Yulan finally realized, her face full of disbelief as she turned to look at Ji Tingzhou, who was sitting there, calm and composed.

He sipped tea brought by a servant, looking quite pleased.

Wei Yang raised his chin: "What are you looking at? Our head of the family is a law-abiding citizen."

The police cooperated, nodding and addressing Zhang Yulan:

"Zhang Yulan, someone has reported you for embezzling and misappropriating your employer's property; you are under arrest."

Ji Tingzhou might not care about his daughter Ji Nian or her well-being, but he didn't stint on money for her. Every month, a sum was given to the nanny.

Over the years, all of it had been pocketed by Zhang Yulan.

Otherwise, how could her son have the money to gamble extravagantly?

As mentioned before, Ji Tingzhou hated being deceived the most.

Watching Zhang Yulan being taken away, Ji Nian felt a bit regretful.

[I still had a move left, and she's already been arrested?]

With Zhang Yulan arrested, the plotline of her being disfigured no longer existed.

Ji Nian's face was saved.

Just as she was thinking, someone suddenly stood up beside her.

She immediately turned her head: "Brother, where did mom go?"

The little girl's eyes were naive and clueless, as if she had no idea what had happened.

It was heartwarming.

Ji Tingzhou clearly spoke to a fool: "She's giving birth to her butt."

Wei Yang: "………" Where did my elegant head of the family go?

Then, with eyes full of murderous intent, he looked at Ji Nian, as if wanting to pinch her face but finding it too dirty to touch.

"Don't ever call her mom again, or I'll throw you in the lake to feed the fish."

Ji Nian didn't show any fear, smiling at him with curved eyes and obediently responding: "Okay, brother."

"But then I won't have a mom. Can you be my mom, brother?"


"Why not?"

"My butt can't get pregnant."

Wei Yang: "………"

Ji Nian pouted in disappointment, seeing Ji Tingzhou about to leave, she quietly asked him: "Can I see you again, brother?"

Ji Tingzhou didn't respond, leaving without looking back.

See him again?

He ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​‍didn't need a fool around him.

He even planned to have her sent far away.


"Then, dear brother, I wish you..."

Wei Yang thought that being the head of the family's child was indeed different; without anyone teaching her, she had naturally learned to use metaphors for blessings.

"May you always be able to poop on the heads of people you hate."

Everyone: "………"

As before.

Being the head of the family's child was indeed different.

From a young age, she knew how to... torture people.